When your soul soars it’s the most beautiful, uniquely precious feeling.
It takes you on a flight above your usual self: like the boy in the children’s animation story ‘The Snowman’ you feel as if you’re ‘walking in the air, floating in the moonlit sky’. Your spirit, your entire being rides high, soars above your daily routines and commitments with pure unadulterated happiness. Everything in life is good, happy, wonderful and whatever isn’t quite perfect doesn’t matter any more because you are on ‘Planet Abundance’. Worries and anxieties evaporate as you look down on your world from a higher perspective – you are on a different frequency!
The Ancient healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine prescribes ‘The Middle Way’; promoting ‘Balance is best’ – but letting your heart sing, your thoughts smile and your spirit freely roam to giddy heights is more exciting! After all, you are having a Soul Party with your higher self!
Sometimes, just sometimes an extra-ordinary event will happen that lets the gene of your heart out of the jar; the problem is it can be hard to put back in because you’re in a state of abundant living. It’s not financial, it’s not material it’s spiritual and believe it or not there is an unlimited supply of abundance out there. Waiting for the taking > Have you ever read ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne?
In reality if we are fortunate enough to experience such a state of Heaven-sent pure joy, even for a moment, a few hours or a day, we are indeed blessed. However, the Universe also knows that balance is ultimately best! It doesn’t burst your bubble but invites you to gently, holistically, glide back down to earth, to get mind, body spirit safely returned on to terra firma.
The compensation? Life will never be quite the same! Your Soul has been touched by Love, hugged by Angels and you now know differently. Something inside of you has healed. An ancient emotional would perhaps. You have a new and better souvenir for your heart!
Take me home to the place I belong!
There is a saying that no matter how high your soul soars you must anchor the light. Intuitively, this has to be true – we can’t go round for ever as if we are on some sort of spiritual Viagra! Being grounded is where we belong, our rightful place in the world – but from time to time we are re-charged and rejuvenated by ‘touching Heaven’.
Grounding is important with spiritual work. Just think how big and powerful the mighty Archangel Michael’s energy is [his name means ‘He Who is Like God’] and the Source from whence He comes!
Calling all Angels: Activating the Spirit of Heaven and Earth within you is symbiotic. Like yin and yang. You can’t have one without the other. Inter-connected. Mutually beneficial. When starting or finishing a meditation, therefore, think ‘feet first and last’!
‘Let the reality of your relationship with the Earth fill your consciousness . . . Imagine how it would feel to be a rolling hill, a great mountain or a deep canyon. Imagine yourself lying in a meadow of wild flowers high in the mountains. Let yourself merge with this energy. Feel it in every pore of your being.’ (Denise Linn – Nature Spirit Oracle Cards)
Signs from above: When forging connections with Angels, they often send us signs to let us know they are with us and for us. This is exactly what Archangel Michael did for me in resoundingly down to earth but Heaven-sent, high vibrational terms. In effect, gifting me a ‘land girl message’ from his ashram of high mountains and wild flowers in Banff, Canada. It was an amazing experience; confirming the Creator’s signature is everywhere in the beauty of the natural world. (To find out more please see ‘Coming Home with Archangel Michael’ on my website.)
Make the Home of heart an amazing place to be: I always think of Angels as a dynamic and loving bridge between Heaven and Earth – but we can be too – working with Spirit can truly give our hearts wings to fly but to prepare for take off and landing we need to nurture our nature with Mother Earth.
I’ve found that wherever we are Love is present. There are no barriers, no separation between the visible and the invisible, Heaven and Earth.
Together for ever! This is dedicated to my Father in Heaven who graced me with his spiritual presence, who made my soul sing, when I was recovering in hospital from an operation. Both of the spiritual experiences I mention in this blog were beyond my expectations. They gave my heart wings and confirmed to me that there are no barriers, no separation between the visible and the invisible, Heaven and Earth, that wherever we are Love is present. When you experience joy, when your soul sings (and I wish this for all) cherish the feeling – it is truly remarkable.
Louise Exeter
Copyright July 2019