Sometimes it’s hard to let go, to say goodbye. It’s a fact. We seem to find it easier to cling onto past memories and possessions rather than releasing them with a level of thankfulness for whatever we have learnt, lost, or loved from them?

For example, It’s taken me two years to get to the point where I was able to release with gratitude two large boxes of pretty vintage china that – due to a house move – no longer had a place of their own.

Why did I find it so difficult? Because I loved their designs, so reflective of bygone eras; they reminded me too of ‘the fun of the chase’ – when and where I originally acquired them. So, in a way, I was still in love with them. Eek!

Arriving at the local auctioneers, however, the release process became easier – except for one teacup, saucer and side plate – part of a charming 1950’s children’s tea set. These endearing items tugged at my heart strings!

I took them out of the display box, put them back in, walked away, walked back! I had to steel myself to surrender this particular trio which also reminded me of an endearing cartoon character I loved when I was little. This was the lynch pin! I’m proud to say I eventually walked away empty handed – my homage to them is this blog! I write about this personal mini drama because the episode reminded me of Archangel Michael in the broader sense.

“Spiritual progress is like a detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released”

There is no harm in delving into the past and adding the best rather than the worst from it to your present – but definitely not the other way round!  If you’ve been struggling with release issues, Archangel Michael is the one to work with – to release what is no longer beautiful or useful in your life and live with more joy.

Joy re-sets our heart’s vibration and opens doors to abundance.

Working with the Angelic Realm brings a refreshing energy, a higher frequency of understanding and compassion into our lives. By engaging with their guidance we can chose to alter our personal perspectives, heal the past, renew the present and make room to live each day more abundantly.

Try to perceive challenges and obstacles as a hidden blessing because when you look back you will find they have made you stronger, more creative.  Rather than undermine you they will define you.  Are you willing and ready to let go?                                               

Your Power Potential within is to Spark Joy. Louise Exeter Copyright Heaven’s Way 2019
Quotation: Marianne Williamson.  ‘Spark Joy’: inspired by Marie Kondo. Angel of Joy: Guardian Angel Oracle Cards Chrissie Astell, Watkins Publishing.