The Power Is Within You


 We are currently living in most extraordinary times of change and transition. Waging war on an international virus – but also pulling together, rising above in altruism and service.  Thankfully this too is infectious.  So too is, the nation’s gratitude for the NHS staff and other heroes who daily put themselves at risk for the ‘at risk’ in the global front-line of battle to mend, heal and overcome.  They are courageously ‘Feeling the fear and doing it anyway’ on our behalf.  Also there are many behind the scenes ‘unsung’ heroes maintaining the machinery of life’s necessities for the greater benefit of society – their contributions are being acknowledged and applaud too.

 “We are here for you and you are here for us” (2)  With the daily flow of  life-threatening news reportage and the world in increasing lock-down we are simultaneously being – internationally as well as personally – [dis]connected through anxiety and fear.  Thankfully, there is an antidote – God’s invisible army of Universal Light workers known as ‘Angels’ .

“We are here to help you through the circumference of life” (3)  Only a thought and a prayer away, Angels are ready and willing to assuage, sustain, support and transport us through this current mega challenge.  They hear the thoughts of our hearts. It’s good to know that together with their Friendship we can unlock the power within to step out of the stream of fear into the empowering stream of infinite Love.

Archangel Michael will help you find the hero inside yourself.

This is the message Heaven wants me to share:- (4)

Tell the world Archangel Michael is the one for healing broken homes and mind-sets for Love. He is God’s messenger for Home, Family, Love. Archangel Michael is central to healing. Archangel Michael helps us to focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong. Cherish Archangel Michael, he keeps us strong. Go to him always. 

“Feeling afraid is Spirit’s signal to ask for grace and power” (5) This is a time when most of us will have to look fear in the face and do it anyway, no matter what our age, status or role in life; the significant thing to hang on to is that we are mind, body and soul more than the current situation. Trust Love: fear less. Trust Love: take comfort. We don’t have to go it alone. We have allies in the Spiritual realm who are with us every step of the way.

Unlock the power within! There may be no quick fix but inner strength comes from knowing that we are bigger than we think we are; that the human spirit can and will rise above. Collectively “we are all children of God in Love” (6) – part of the wonderfully dynamic and diverse ‘One-ness’ of all things; pulling together in a time of need.  We are stronger together.

“Who you think you are cannot handle this challenge – but who you  really are can and will” (8) Believe in yourself. As the marvellous  Louise L Hay would say: ’The Power is Within You.’ “Cherish Archangel Michael. He keeps us strong. Go to him always.”

Honour your feelings: It’s the courage to continue that counts.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website. 

Louise Exeter

Copyright February 2020

Quotation References:

(1) Louise L Hay
(2),  (3), (4), (6)  My Heaven’s Way Guardian Angels.
(5) Sarah Ban Breathnach, ‘Simple Abundance’
(7) Robert Holden
(8) ‘Everyday Matters’ 2016 Diary, Kindred Spirit