I love what I do and do what I love!

“Walk by faith . . . trusting me to open up the way before you”.
“I will even give My Angels charge over you, to preserve you in all your ways”

When you nourish your soul you nourish your life!

Like most people, my life has been a full on mix of highs and lows, deep sadness and great joy – plus a lot of everyday living in between – but rarely do I think of life as ordinary or mundane! I like to think of the world as a spiritual rainbow of many wonderful colours of faiths, histories, cultures and ethnicities. Let’s share the joy! The Universe really does have our back whatever, wherever, whenever. For me the Universe is that invisible all loving Source of Unconditional Love – I to refer to as ‘God’, ‘The Great Spirit’, The Creator – but really this is accessing the Divine Within.

A little piece of Heaven under my Feet!

Once upon a time, a long time ago, . . It started with a little Angel at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London! I was enjoying a day of exploration at this diverse ‘fair for the senses’. At such events one walks miles and spends loads on the path to discovery! To give myself a break I popped down to the café for some healthy lunch. Standing, waiting in the queue, I felt something under foot. I looked down and there it was – a little Angel badge. As it didn’t belong to anyone near by I popped it in my pocket as a keep-sake. Little did I realise that this tiny Angel was, in fact, a big Angel of Purpose – a significant ‘sign from Heaven’, regarding my career development. I have had my own deeply personal spiritual epiphany and many spiritually serendipitous moments to collect and treasure over my life – always affirming and confirming that there is a greater power, a stronger love and no divide. All these years later, the very large Archangel Michael ‘My Blue Angel’ now plays a significant part in both my personal and working life BUT I still keep my little Angel badge on my dressing table – a reminder that no matter how small we think we might be, we are all part of a bigger picture, part of the wonderful, glorious Universe which does indeed have our back.

We are what we think. We are what we feel! We are what we believe.

Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual! Reflecting this belief of WHOLE-ness, my qualifications and over 25 years’ experience span the fields of psychotherapy, counselling, complimentary therapies and spirituality. Spiritual Mindfulness plays an enormous part of my life – like yin and yang this is an inseparable aspect of who and what I am. In particular, I hope my workshops and coaching will create fresh thinking, expand personal horizons and ignite the gentle joy of spiritual awareness for you.

Louise Exeter:

  • Angel Insight Educating Heart & Soul Certificate (Chrissie Astell AngelLight)
  • Certified Angel Guide (Kyle Gray & Hay House)
  • Angel Card Mastery Certified Practitioner (Kyle Grey): https://www.kylegray.co.uk/practitioners/louise-avril-exeter
  • Angel Intuitive and Angel Card Reader Certificates, Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine, Robert Reeves and Hay House.
  • E.F.T. & Positive E.F.T. Master Practitioner
  • Cruse Bereavement Care Counselling and
  • R.S.A. Counselling Skills.

Notice your thoughts. Pay attention to your feelings. Listen to your body. Honour your soul.

Quote: Jesus Calling. Devotions for every day of the year by Sarah Young

Let Divine Wisdom Guide you and Love redefine you.
Redirect your Intentions Heaven’s Way® with Louise Exeter