Entries by LWDadmin

Be The Dreamer Of Your Dreams

Sometimes, just sometimes, an extra-ordinary event will happen that lets the gene of you heart out of the jar. Your Soul has been touched by Love, hugged by Angels. Something inside of you has healed. You have a new and better souvenir for your heart!

Soul Soaring

Sometimes, just sometimes, an extra-ordinary event will happen that lets the gene of you heart out of the jar. Your Soul has been touched by Love, hugged by Angels. Something inside of you has healed. You have a new and better souvenir for your heart!

Liquid Spirit!

Where currents of loving waters flow healing can take place. Angels not only come on the wings of love, they come on the waves of love to raise our vibration.

A Butterfly Sign from the Angels?

What do angels bring us?  Do you think this was a sign? Having taken a few moments to write a spontaneous answer to the first question, I went into my garden and as I stepped outside, a beautiful butterfly came to rest on my shoulder. I stood still, silently enthralled by this privilege; the butterfly […]

Green: the colour for love and abundance

The colour for love needn’t be pink or red it could be green! Loving green:- the main colour for the heart chakra (emotional centre for love and compassion). the colour associated with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing. a soothing, cleansing, colour strongly associated with the many hues and properties of nature. denoted as the […]