Entries by LWDadmin

Friendship of the Angels: Guardian Angels

‘I believe in Angels, something good in everything I see’. ‘I am your guardian angel for sharing the life of love with minds and hearts of all’ (GA) In this blog I’d like to share what I’ve personally discovered about Guardian Angels:- ‘When you’re standing at the cross-roads, don’t know which path to choose, let […]

Go Green for Abundance

A prompt from Archangel Raphael leads to fresh abundance! I was feeling a little tired and tense so, for distraction, turned to Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards.  Comfortingly, I drew Archangel Raphael: his name means “God Heals”.Breathe out stress.  Breathe in abundance!  The guidance was to “Breathe” Slow, regulated, deep breathing is good energy body-work brilliant […]

Let’s Go fly a kite! Synchronicity

Japanese Connections: As I woke on Sunday morning with the sun shining through the bedroom window the words of the 1967 hit “Kites” by Simon Dupree and the Big Band repeatedly ran through my mind. I had heard this on the radio a few days back and was immediately captivated by the tender lyrics and […]