Be The Dreamer Of Your Dreams.

The Early bird catches the dream! Breakfasting early in the garden one morning I was accompanied by a cacophony of bird song: pigeons, robins, wrens, black birds, magpies, crows – all simultaneously cooing, chirping, whistling and chatting in stereo sound.  (their dawn chorus of day-breaking news more appealing to me than any T.V. or radio a.m. channel).

As their conversations floated upwards and outward between neighbouring gardens it made me think of Native American smoke signals rising Heavenward from high, secret places. So many different ‘languages’ and ‘conversations’ reaching a crescendo and then slowly dwindling to one or two persistent but entertaining callers.

Watch out there’s a magpie about: Two adolescent magpies, still wanting their parent’s attention, noisily flapped their wings in the shelter of our fir tree, reminding me of a childhood story about a cheeky magpie stealing a silver ring and adding it to its nest-hoard of treasures.

Inspired by thrushes stealing fruit from his kitchen garden, William Morris designed a beautiful floral-bird print called ‘The Strawberry Thief’. If you get the chance, I recommend a visit to his residence Kelmscott Manor in Oxfordshire: its creative contents are charmingly in love with nature and the house and garden will transport you to a therapeutically slower pace of life, if only for a day! Think cider, hey racks, shire horses. Their cream teas are delicious too.

They shall mount up with wings as Eagles . . .  Like migrating geese we can cross continents in jumbo jets, hover like humming birds in helicopters and glide like albatrosses on thermal currents if we are brave enough – think how beautiful it could be to soar above personal challenges, to look down on them from an empowering eagle perspective.


Why not take a moment to imagine; to go on your own special flight of fancy.
Ask yourself: Where would you go? What would you see? Will you float in a moonlit sky or soar in bright sunshine? When you land would you look at your situation differently?

Dream Catchers:  “Only dreams give birth to change” Like birds, our personal dreams can soar, duck and dive. But take heart! Think how ungainly some birds look when they’re running for take-off but how gracefully they fly once in the air > sometimes it’s like that with our dreams and ambitions too.  


Soul Purpose! Making way for miracles, healing, change, depends upon how we perceive the world, how we see ourselves and how we view others; however, self-sabotage can often block our personal aspirations. Archangel Michael helps us get out of our own way so we can realize our dreams. Archangel Chamuel helps us see the world through the lens of Love.  All Angels look at us from a higher perspective – they see our true potential.

Believe in the power of possibility: If you’d like to work with these amazing Archangels, I am repeating my ‘Fire Up your Passion Follow your Purpose’ Workshop on 12th October – this is not so much about career as your purpose; rather your Soul’s Purpose!

Happy Soaring

Louise Exeter
Copyright Heaven’s Way 2019

This blog is inspired by the birds in my garden.

When your soul soars it’s the most beautiful, uniquely precious feeling.

It takes you on a flight above your usual self: like the boy in the children’s animation story ‘The Snowman’ you feel as if you’re ‘walking in the air, floating in the moonlit sky’.  Your spirit, your entire being rides high, soars above your daily routines and commitments with pure unadulterated happiness.  Everything in life is good, happy, wonderful and whatever isn’t quite perfect doesn’t matter any more because you are on Planet Abundance’.  Worries and anxieties evaporate as you look down on your world from a higher perspective – you are on a different frequency!

The Ancient healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine prescribes The Middle Way’; promoting Balance is best’ – but letting your heart sing, your thoughts smile and your spirit freely roam to giddy heights is more exciting!  After all, you are having a Soul Party with your higher self!

Sometimes, just sometimes an extra-ordinary event will happen that lets the gene of your heart out of the jar; the problem is it can be hard to put back in because you’re in a state of abundant living. It’s not financial, it’s not material it’s spiritual and believe it or not there is an unlimited supply of abundance out there. Waiting for the taking > Have you ever read ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne?

In reality if we are fortunate enough to experience such a state of Heaven-sent pure joy, even for a moment, a few hours or a day, we are indeed blessed. However, the Universe also knows that balance is ultimately best! It doesn’t burst your bubble but invites you to gently, holistically, glide back down to earth, to get mind, body spirit safely returned on to terra firma.

The compensation? Life will never be quite the same! Your Soul has been touched by Love, hugged by Angels and you now know differently.  Something inside of you has healed. An ancient emotional would perhaps. You have a new and better souvenir for your heart!

Take me home to the place I belong!

There is a saying that no matter how high your soul soars you must anchor the light. Intuitively, this has to be true – we can’t go round for ever as if we are on some sort of spiritual Viagra! Being grounded is where we belong, our rightful place in the world – but from time to time we are re-charged and rejuvenated by ‘touching Heaven’.

Grounding is important with spiritual work. Just think how big and powerful the mighty Archangel Michael’s energy is [his name means He Who is Like God’] and the Source from whence He comes!

Calling all Angels: Activating the Spirit of Heaven and Earth within you is symbiotic. Like yin and yang.  You can’t have one without the other. Inter-connected. Mutually beneficial.  When starting or finishing a meditation, therefore, think ‘feet first and last’!

‘Let the reality of your relationship with the Earth fill your consciousness  . . .  Imagine how it would feel to be a rolling hill, a great mountain or a deep canyon. Imagine yourself lying in a meadow of wild flowers high in the mountains.   Let yourself merge with this energy. Feel it in every pore of your being.’ (Denise Linn – Nature Spirit Oracle Cards)

Signs from above: When forging connections with Angels, they often send us signs to let us know they are with us and for us.  This is exactly what Archangel Michael did for me in resoundingly down to earth but Heaven-sent, high vibrational terms. In effect, gifting me a ‘land girl message’ from his ashram of high mountains and wild flowers in Banff, Canada. It was an amazing experience; confirming the Creator’s signature is everywhere in the beauty of the natural world. (To find out more please see ‘Coming Home with Archangel Michael’ on my website.)

Make the Home of heart an amazing place to be: I always think of Angels as a dynamic and loving bridge between Heaven and Earth – but we can be too – working with Spirit can truly give our hearts wings to fly but to prepare for take off and landing we need to nurture our nature with Mother Earth.

I’ve found that wherever we are Love is present. There are no barriers, no separation between the visible and the invisible, Heaven and Earth.

Together for ever! This is dedicated to my Father in Heaven who graced me with his spiritual presence, who made my soul sing, when I was recovering in hospital from an operation. Both of the spiritual experiences I mention in this blog were beyond my expectations. They gave my heart wings and confirmed to me that there are no barriers, no separation between the visible and the invisible, Heaven and Earth, that wherever we are Love is present. When you experience joy, when your soul sings (and I wish this for all) cherish the feeling – it is truly remarkable.


Louise Exeter
Copyright July 2019

“I allow the love of our Creator to flow over me but then allow it to flow out again for others like the sea”

Where currents of loving waters flow healing can take place. Angels not only come on the wings of love, they come on the waves of love to raise our vibration. Recently, I attended a lovely ‘Angels Abroad’ spiritual retreat on the beautiful island of Crete with Chrissie Astell and company.  Our first meditation focused on the ‘Angel of Water’.  For me, it made a particularly loving and fluid connection between the need for physical and emotional replenishment and the azure blue sea nearby, continually lapping it’s soothing, repetitive message of ‘let go and relax’, let go and relax.   Back home now, I thought it would be nice to meditate with the Angel of Water again: as an exercise to cleanse and refresh my thoughts and feelings after travelling and to guide my flow of gratitude and transition from one island’s chemistry to another’s.

Spiritual re-hydration: Water speaks to our senses in so many different ways and so do the Angels, especially if we allow our hearts and minds to receive their healing messages of Divine Love. Taking time out for a compassionate metaphysical drink, shower or swim with them can therefore be positively refreshing! In this way the tides of tranquillity and the currents of love become your own Spiritual Hydration. If you’d like to connect with the healing vibration of water energy in your own way, I offer some suggestions below E.g.:

  • visualise yourself under a crystal-clear waterfall being cleansed of negative thoughts about yourself or others
  • envisage swimming in the sea, confidently riding ’ the waves of life’ or
  • day-dreaming beside a still, reflective, lake to reduce any sense of tension
  • drinking pure water from the ‘holy well’ of spiritual vibrancy to holistically re-energise your body, thoughts and feelings
  • Pausing to admire rain-drops on a leaf or flower for calm appreciation of the precious small things in life that make a difference
  • Remember to go slow, enjoy and allow the perceived benefits to flow in, up, over, down, around your way.
  • Invite the Angel of Water to be your gentle, loving, soul-guide to assist you.

Liquid Spirit!  Whatever you decide, please add in a few drops of gratitude for this sustaining and invigorating commodity for all life and for the presence of your Angel.

Angel Synchronicity or what? When I got back to my hotel the chill-out music playing in the background was ‘Liquid Spirit’ by Gregory Porter hence the title of my blog –  I couldn’t resist!


“I allow the love of our Creator to flow over me but then allow it to flow out again for others like the sea”

Quote inspired by Celtic Reflections by Martin Wallace

Louise Exeter © Heaven’s Way September 2018

From Soul 2 Sole.

Let your soul breathe and your body relax. &

When you take time out to connect with nature you open yourself up to divine guidance!

Angels look at us through the lens of love; working with their energy guides our perspectives back to love so we can rediscover the sacred in the ordinary. If this seems a little challenging, perhaps the humble daisy and Archangel Chamuel can help you view your world with fresh eyes of fun and appreciation:-

Daisy inspiration: When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love” – when you look, what do you see? Last night I took a photo of the daisies on our lawn. Many of us are so in love with roses at the moment I wanted a reminder that these little yellow and white beauties are just as important as their more ‘dressy’ haute couture floral relatives. Tiny but strong, daisies have admirable strength, persistence and resilience that belies their appearance: every time the lawn is mowed they disappear only to defiantly re-emerge as lovely as ever!  What inspiration for us!

Daisy wisdom: I have a deck of ‘Flower Power’ Cards. Each flower represented offers a healing message.  The Daisy card says: “You’ve had so much going on, you’re spread too thin.  This has to change now so your vitality can recharge”  – ring any bells?  ‘Instant Calmer!’ When I draw this card, I know it’s absolutely time to simplify my life/my work. I put this card by my desk as an active reminder to step back, look at the bigger picture and create my own replenishing ‘Daisy Moments’. (Try it – this simple act works, believe me).

Modesty Blaise! There is another important message from this modest little flower: it reminds us that we are no less significant than others; that everyone and everything has its own important part to play; an equally important contribution to make.

Spiritual Mindfulness: Ask Archangel Chamuel

The beauty in me sees the beauty in you! Archangel Chamuel (whose name is ‘He Who Sees’ God) helps you lovingly expand your perceptions about people, places and significantly about yourself (after all it’s got to start somewhere).  He will guide you to extend your horizons, to look beyond self-limitations and doubt – in other words, to look at yourself, your world and your relationships through the lens  of love.  Warning! This may cause miracles because when you shift your perceptions towards love you rediscover the sacred in the ‘ordinary’ and when you do that you find the sacred in your heart too.

Call to Action

“When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of love”

Are you ready to see things differently?  Next time you look at daisies, take a moment to contemplate and apply the ‘daisy vs rose’ thought to yourself!  Perhaps, too, take time out to make a daisy chain and – with every daisy you add, think of your own sense of worth and that the world is a better place because you are in it!

Louise Exeter

Copyright Heaven’s Way August 2018


From Soul 2 Sole. Let your soul breathe and your body relax. &

Flowers don’t judge, they just nod and ‘smile’ at us in their own ethereal way, like a silent lover they seem to care and reboot our senses. . . We have a legacy of beautiful garden roses, gifted by previous owners. Their gnarled and sturdy stems and branches testament to their age (I’d guess 20 years or more, if that’s possible) although their exquisite flowers flatteringly bely their time line. Rewardingly, each year, they grace us with their cascading blooms and delicate scent well into the Autumn season.

To me, plants, flowers and trees display an effortless beauty.  They just are their perfectly glorious, natural selves!  From the smallest to the largest, most flamboyant, from the humblest to the magnificent, we can learn a lot from flora and fauna about just Be-ing – not consciously striving so hard to achieve.

 Call to Action

Remember to forget (yourself)! Mindfully connecting with roses – or any other flowers  – will take you out of your ‘I must do self’ into your ‘I am me’ self. Take a few moments to listen to their language: take time to gaze at these miracles of creation and watch them wistfully gaze back; flowers don’t judge, they just nod and ‘smile’ at us in their own ethereal way, like a silent lover they seem to care and reboot our senses.

Abundance: If you need more flower power inspiration I suggest you visit Gruppo di The gardens of the soul – a Facebook group whose members love flowers and nature; it’s simply gorgeous.

The world is so rich, the Creator’s signature is everywhere in the beauty of the natural world. Ask Archangel Jophiel (whose name is ‘The Beauty of God’) to touch your heart and eyes so that you may see the beauty of creation in everything – including yourself!

Louise Exeter

This is dedicated to my dearest Aunt, Margaret Rose.  She loved roses!

Copyright Heaven’s Way June 2018.

The Home of your heart – What’s Love got to do with it?  Well quite a lot really because we attract what we focus on. Thinking, feeling, speaking, relating: Love opens doors to abundance.

“A good home must be made not bought”(1)  There is a saying that no matter where we are, home is where the heart is’.  This implies a sense of location, personal space, definitely a belonging . . .When you walk through the front door of your home do you, give or take a little, get a sense of sanctuary and a reasonable feeling of ‘homeland’ or, with doormat trepidation as you turn the key, does your heart sink?

Call to action:

Where am I not at Home with myself? If it takes courage to cross the threshold with love not fear, it might be time to ask where within myself am I not at home? Love helps to heal fragile hearts and mend relationships; love disengages from judgement and nurtures forgiveness but If we close the doors of our hearts, shut up, shove off and throw away the key, who are we helping?  By listening to your vulnerable feelings – their reply will contain wisdom and inspiration to guide you(2)

Call to action:

Make space in your heart for relationships to grow:  As with clearing clutter in the home, you start with one drawer, one corner, one cupboard at a time.  So it is with mending relationships. For transformation, start with one emotional aspect that feels easier than others to address and rectify.

A powerhouse of help and healing: if you wish to release what’s not useful and heal what’s not beautiful in your relationships but are finding this hard to do, why not enlist the assistance of Archangels Michael and Raphael. Together they make a great team. Michael (Angel Name: ‘He Who is Like God’) and Raphael (Angel Name God Heals’) are Light warriors for love and healing. They will spring clean the corridors of your heart, lighten up and power up so you can re-connect to warm feelings of appreciation on many levels.

Fitting the emotional, physical and soulful aspects of our make-up is like feng-shui for the self!  There is a view that our homes are an extension of the self; that they mirror ‘where we’re at’ in daily life.  So, to feel happier, it’s important to put some love, care and attention in in order to get some of the same out! Matching the diverse pieces of our own personal jigsaw puzzle together to form the whole picture of who we really are isn’t always easy but when we change our perceptions about our home, our relationships, our life generally, we create a new space inside ourselves for abundance. Then beautiful resonance can be re-found for our thoughts, feelings and language – thereby bringing us in greater alignment with our heart centre.


Making the home of your heart a good investment. There is a lovely Louise L Hay affirmation that goes something like: may every corner of my home be filled with love’.  I recommend using this mantra regularly (i.e. every morning before you get up and each evening before sleep).  It helps raise the vibes over domestic stressors such as over-flowing linen baskets, piles of washing up, a bare fridge, toys all over the place and relationship tensions too.  Why? because love is bigger than dust and clutter.


Creating a heart based environment: when you bring love into your heart you also bring it into your home.
When you bless your home with love, when you send love into every corner, you’ll notice a change; not only in your home but in yourself too. (4)  Coincidentally, when we do this for our home we, in turn, do it for our relationships too. ‘We think, we act, we hurt, react” (5) Things can only get better when the heart pumps forgiveness, acceptance, love, joy, kindness, gratitude; when thoughts and emotions are balanced; ease and inner harmony are experienced. – then we really can discover that the home of our heart is an amazing place to live!

Louise Exeter
This is dedicated to the marvellous Louise L. Hay
© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way February 2018


(1) Grand Designs TV Programme. (2) Doreen Virtue: Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards, (3) Kyle Gray: Angels How to See, Hear and Feel Your Angels. (4) inspired by Louise L Hay:  Power Thought Cards. (5) Denise Hagan CD: For those who hear: Denise Hagan.











“The world is waiting for a child that will grow up and turn tears to laughter, hate to love, war to peace and everyone to everyone’s neighbour”. Peace, Love and Joy to the world – for the global family that we are all a part of.

Don’t lose the wonder

There’s something joyful and wondrous about Christmas, if you are a child. Why not take a moment to forget all the grown up stuff and remember!  Bring on the dressing up, wrapping up and excitement!  When my boys were small,   I loved the sense of calm togetherness that bedtime reading brought. I recall feeling somewhat like a mother hen with one son protectively tucked under each wing, sharing a beautifully illustrated book by Brian Wildsmith (which I still treasure) called ‘The Christmas Story’.  Any number of toy animals would join us as we gathered to read about the incredible journey, the great escape Mary and Joseph made, to find refuge in a stable (poor Mary!)

Make me smile

Mystical and magical!  A family on the run, guarded by angels, awesome signs in the sky, a tiny ‘Prince of Peace’ born in a humble stable, brought gifts by astronomers to honour the child ‘born to be king’. Of course there was and still is the ‘Nativity Show’ in schools and churches all around the country – with proud parents Facebooking their ‘little angels’, shepherds, donkeys, wise men, Mary and Joseph as they all majestically parade around the stage in fancy dress towards the holy crib – if Jesus is looking down on this I think he would smile (and appreciate all the hard work that goes into such events) because he loved and asked us to cherish children.

Channelling your inner child.

When you channel your inner child, the sky’s the limit! Why because it re-connects to that innocent sense of wonder, of finding magic in simple things, Think how it would feel if you could walk in the air, float in the moonlit sky with a snowman to a distant land of wishful experiences or if the Christmas fairy flew down from the top of the tree sprinkling magical star dust!  No responsibilities! Escapism can be enormous fun. Ah well!

Dreams and angels aren’t only for Christmas!

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas”: The snow has to be falling, the garden covered in a blanket of white, an open fire blazing, kids making snow angels. Alternatively, if you live in warmer climbs, perhaps Angels in the sand instead! If you can suspend any scepticism and hang on to your child-like sense of belief, it can be comforting to know there aren’t only ‘snow angels’ or ‘sand angels’ but real Angels, right here, right now! The Angels didn’t just come once, long ago, to announce the joyful birth of baby Jesus and then disappear. No! They’re still actively working in the world, to shine the light of the

Christmas message for Peace and Joy to the world – for the global family that we are all a part, whatever our faith or culture.

Call to action

Bring me a higher love!  When you look up at the stars, know that you are loved by a higher power.

Are you following your own bright star?  Finding peace in the home of our hearts isn’t always easy, especially at this razzle, dazzle, frazzle time of year – but when we do, it makes way for fresh discoveries of ‘everyday miracles’.  Then the ‘ripple effect’ of peaceful relationships starts! Of course the Christmas ripple effect was initiated over 2,000 years ago with the birth of the Christ-child.

A star is born: like the luminous star the wise men followed, Jesus shone brightly in his own brief life. The Magi brought symbolic gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh; Jesus brought gifts of unconditional love and forgiveness which the angels heralded and we celebrate through joyful music  and present giving.

Reach for the Stars!  As this year draws to a close do take a few calming moments to reflect on everything you have worked through, the goals and accomplishments – little or large – that you have achieved.

Wish upon a star

Make a wish for peace in the world – ask the angels to carry this message on the wings of love. Give Jesus, a present of your own –  love one another and the beautiful planet we all share.

Wishing you a peaceful and Happy Christmas

Louise Exeter © December 2017

References: Musical Quotes: Johnny Mathis: ‘When a Child is Born’, Bing Crosby: ‘White Christmas’, Abba: ‘I had a dream’.



‘I believe in Angels, something good in everything I see’.

‘I am your guardian angel for sharing the life of love with minds and hearts of all’ (GA) In this blog I’d like to share what I’ve personally discovered about Guardian Angels:-

‘When you’re standing at the cross-roads, don’t know which path to choose, let me come along; even if you’re wrong, I’ll stand by you . . . ‘I’ll never desert you, I’ll stand by you’

Wherever I am Love is!  Like all angels, Guardian Angels bring gifts of limitless love and light.  As steadfast minders of our heart centre, their love doesn’t judge but gently guides for positive empowerment – they’re not into ‘shoulds’ or ‘woulds’!

From love: Heaven sent, Guardian Angels are messengers from Divine Source – our Creator, God, Universal, Unconditional Love.

‘Lines of light are all through the world (GA)  Everyone and everything is special to God/the Creator – know you are worth loving! Our Guardian Angels are an invisible but palpable part of Universal Love – a network of light reaching out to every single person, creature and place in the world-planet.

Friends for life: Guardian Angels are a constant, dependable, presence; our soul’s life-long companions.

With love: When we see the world in black and white or numerous shades of grey, our Guardian Angels offer us their light of support – hoping we’ll see their signs and hear their gentle whispers for better wellbeing choices.  When we see the world in glorious colour they share our joy too.

For love: Always beside us through thick and thin, Guardian Angels prefer us to be in emotional places of comfort and joy rather than anger, resentment, misunderstanding.

The lighter side of life: Our Guardian Angels know that if we move into a ‘state of ‘allowing’ for compassion, forgiveness, peace, we’ll more quickly relate to healing, happiness and contentment.

Make space for miracles: love the home of your heart!

‘Love helps to heal fragile hearts and mend relationships; love disengages from judgment and nurtures forgiveness’ Love lifts us up where we belong! Guardian Angels represent a Divine love-life line for the home of your heart so you can make it an amazing place to be.

Getting to know your Guardian Angel

Praying is talking to God, meditation is listening to God.

To consciously connect to Guardian Angels, we need to make time and space in our hearts and minds, to focus, be still, breathe, meditate and invite their energy in. ‘Your intuition will be heightened. You will find a wisdom not your own.  You will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle you’

Call to action!

Starting the conversation  Take a moment to close your eyes, gently breathe and bring your awareness to the sounds in the background of your silence – a bird singing, a dog barking, a passing car, the hum of a plane.  Eventually as you focus more on your breath, these life affirming noises will melt into the quiet space of your meditation where , with practice, you’ll hear a ‘still small voice of calm’ within.   This could be your higher self, your intuition or your Guardian Angel whispering Divine Wisdom into the thoughts of your heart.

A personal message from a Guardian Angel

The following is a beautiful extract from Kyle Grey’s book ‘Wings of Forgiveness’.

“You may not recognize me and you may not know who I am.  Let me help you remember.  I’ve been with you since the beginning.  Before you entered time and space, I knew who you were . . . I was there at your birth.  I have travelled with you since your first steps and I will be with you when you take your last breath . . . When I look at you, I see a being bursting with light.  I see you filled with unlimited potential.  I look at you and wonder why you get so upset, stressed, frustrated and mad.  I look at you and hope that one day you will see I am here to serve you gladly and I wait for you to call.  I have seen you through your challenges, I have seen you rise and fall.  I have never forgotten you and I hope you will remember me, because I’m standing right here with you now.  We were together once and we danced among the stars.  I am here now to tell you something that I really want you to know . . . I am telling you the truth and I am your Guardian Angel.  You are forgiven     . . . You are love.  Love holds no boundaries.  You are unbound, whole, complete and healed.  Love is who you are.  I love you”.

Louise Exeter December 2017

© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way.

Musical quotes : Abba, ‘I Had a Dream’. The Pretenders, ‘I’ll stand by you’. Meditation quote: From Julia Cameron’s Life Lessons No. 22

Guardian Angel quotes: From my own Guardian Angel meditations

Guardian Angel Book extract: Kyle Grey Wings of Forgiveness

Licence Free Music provided by Epidemic Sound.

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! My annual escape to the country includes a few days’ stay at the atmospheric ‘Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham’ in  Norfolk. This is a place of tangible spirituality and credible folk lore. Read more