Sometimes it’s hard to let go, to say goodbye. It’s a fact. We seem to find it easier to cling onto past memories and possessions rather than releasing them with a level of thankfulness for whatever we have learnt, lost, or loved from them?

For example, It’s taken me two years to get to the point where I was able to release with gratitude two large boxes of pretty vintage china that – due to a house move – no longer had a place of their own.

Why did I find it so difficult? Because I loved their designs, so reflective of bygone eras; they reminded me too of ‘the fun of the chase’ – when and where I originally acquired them. So, in a way, I was still in love with them. Eek!

Arriving at the local auctioneers, however, the release process became easier – except for one teacup, saucer and side plate – part of a charming 1950’s children’s tea set. These endearing items tugged at my heart strings!

I took them out of the display box, put them back in, walked away, walked back! I had to steel myself to surrender this particular trio which also reminded me of an endearing cartoon character I loved when I was little. This was the lynch pin! I’m proud to say I eventually walked away empty handed – my homage to them is this blog! I write about this personal mini drama because the episode reminded me of Archangel Michael in the broader sense.

“Spiritual progress is like a detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released”

There is no harm in delving into the past and adding the best rather than the worst from it to your present – but definitely not the other way round!  If you’ve been struggling with release issues, Archangel Michael is the one to work with – to release what is no longer beautiful or useful in your life and live with more joy.

Joy re-sets our heart’s vibration and opens doors to abundance.

Working with the Angelic Realm brings a refreshing energy, a higher frequency of understanding and compassion into our lives. By engaging with their guidance we can chose to alter our personal perspectives, heal the past, renew the present and make room to live each day more abundantly.

Try to perceive challenges and obstacles as a hidden blessing because when you look back you will find they have made you stronger, more creative.  Rather than undermine you they will define you.  Are you willing and ready to let go?                                               

Your Power Potential within is to Spark Joy. Louise Exeter Copyright Heaven’s Way 2019
Quotation: Marianne Williamson.  ‘Spark Joy’: inspired by Marie Kondo. Angel of Joy: Guardian Angel Oracle Cards Chrissie Astell, Watkins Publishing.   




The colour for love needn’t be pink or red it could be green!

Loving green:-

  • the main colour for the heart chakra (emotional centre for love and compassion).
  • the colour associated with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing.
  • a soothing, cleansing, colour strongly associated with the many hues and properties of nature.
  • denoted as the colour for attracting abundance.

Turn cold hearts into warm hearts! In order to receive love we need to give love. In Lorna Byrne’s touching book “Love From Heaven” she writes that many of us (because of challenging life experiences) consciously restrict the flow of love. She says:-

“Love is the most powerful force in the world. It’s love that helps to steer us in the right direction and drives us forward. It’s love that makes living worthwhile”

Power up with Archangels Raphael and Michael. Healing starts by loving and accepting ourselves first. Once we do that we are empowered. Calling upon the healing energies of Archangel Raphael (God Heals) and Archangel Michael (He who is like God) can help us achieve this.

What’s love got to do with it? The heart is much more than a body pump! It’s a dynamic information processing centre for emotional wellbeing. When our thoughts (brain) and feelings (heart) work together in mutual harmony this is called ‘coherence’.

 Question time:

  • Is your heart green with envy or green with love?
  • Do you feel a sense of lack or abundance?
  • Does your heart chakra need nourishing right now or is it overflowing?
  • Who could you give more love to?
  • Who would you like to receive more love from?

“All of us are blessed by the powerful loving energy of the Angels” Abundance is not purely financial or material, nor restricted to one beautiful colour-way. Abundance is, visibly and invisibly, all around us. Ask the Angels!

Open your heart. Make a wish. Be open to receiving abundance in unexpected ways: Here’s a beautiful thought:- “Just below the heart is a smaller sub-chakra, called the Anandakanda Lotus, which contains the Celestial Wishing Tree. It is believed that when you wish from the deepest desires of your heart, this tree bestows even more than is desired”

Sharing the Love.

Louise Exeter
Making the home of your heart an amazing place.
© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way February 2018

Quotes: Lorna Byrne, Love From Heaven. Christine Astell, Angel Light.
Anodea Judity, Hay House, Chakras 7 Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body. Image

A prompt from Archangel Raphael leads to fresh abundance!
I was feeling a little tired and tense so, for distraction, turned to Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards.  Comfortingly, I drew Archangel Raphael: his name means “God Heals”.Breathe out stress.  Breathe in abundance!  The guidance was to Breathe” Slow, regulated, deep breathing is good energy body-work brilliant for reducing stress, releasing tension, inducing inner calm.  I, therefore, decided to put his recommendation into practice immediately plus, at the same time, watch an’ Attracting Abundance’ video by the lovely Robert Reeves! This provided a great start to the day, though, due to time pressures, my viewing was brief.  I stopped where Robert ceremoniously and with intention significantly lit a green candle – the mindset was to clear away and dissolve any blockages to receiving abundance.

No Limits I enjoyed Robert’s purposeful and gentle prayer in which he acknowledged the limitlessness of God’s love; he asked that we respect the candle’s flame as a symbol to help us focus our attention on all forms of abundance.

Go green! Coincidentally, green is the colour associated with Arch Angel Raphael e.g. for meditative healing.  It is, of course, the colour for the ‘heart chakra’ too (the emotional centre for love and compassion).  Colour therapy references green with the qualities of detoxification, cleansing and balance; also for inviting calm and restoring stability. I know green is good for the planet and good for the diet but now I discover green is the colour for attracting ‘abundance’!

Norwegian Wool: Following my meditation I rushed out to an appointment, what joy! On the way I discovered a beautiful Norwegian jumper in a charity shop window It looked good as new and was at an irresistible price.  Synchronicity in action! Curiously, just two days before, I had returned from a holiday in Norway.  There, at the airport, I’d hankered after one of their, traditional style jumpers, similar to this beauty; regrettably the cost was prohibitively outrageous!  Double Joy:  later that evening when I arrived home, there was a voice-mail from a long-lost client wanting to book reflexology with me.

Heaven Sent: Now, I know that abundance is not purely financial or material, nor restricted to one beautiful helpful colour. Abundance, for sure relates relates to other precious holistic aspects of being. However,  I was thrilled with these ‘gifts’, they brought me joy.  It was indeed as Robert had advised: “allow abundance to come to us in unexpected ways” 

PS  I can recommend ‘New Colour Healing:  A practical guide to understanding the healing power of Colour by Lilian Verner-Bonds.
Robert Reeves an Australian Naturpath and spiritual teacher.

Copyright Louise Exeter Heaven’s Way©  26.05.16

For Therese.

It looks as if the sun is going to shine and break through the clouds.  I am so pleased because today is special – it’s the day family and friends gather to formally honour a life and say farewell to a dear friend, teacher and Mother.

On 29th February 2016 Therese Moody rose above her fight against cancer and passed away.  She’d put up an exemplary fight against the illness with sheer guts, determination and a positive attitude which I think of as ‘fierce grace’.   I often referred to her, when we were together, as a ‘steel magnolia’ – we’d laugh!

Therese was a person who gave abundantly and lived abundantly.

She has left a legacy of fitter people through her pilates teaching skills and touched so many hearts and minds with her sweet, kind and generous nature.  Many of us are better people because we knew her and will cherish her memory with great fondness.

I am sad that she is not around on the physical plane any more but we shared a belief in the limitlessness of God’s love and living energy for all time.  I like to think of her now as another star in Heaven, sparkling and shining down on earth with love.

Words from a song by the Kinks say it all for me.  I hope they will bring comfort to Therese’s children whom she adored.

Thank you for the days,
Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me.
I’m thinking of the days,
I won’t forget a single day, believe me!
I bless the light,
I bless the light that lights on you believe me.
And though you’re gone,
You’re with me every single day, believe me.

R.I.P Therese.  Thank you for what you gave to me.

With love and sympathy to the Moody family.



Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! My annual escape to the country includes a few days’ stay at the atmospheric ‘Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham’ in  Norfolk. This is a place of tangible spirituality and credible folk lore. Read more