Good Morning Girls Flowers and Fairies

I tend to refer to plants and flowers in my home as “my girls” but surely there must be a male gender residing here too?  What would the fairies say about such considerations I wonder?

I have a series of seasonally inspired, books called ‘Flower Fairies’ by Cicely Mary Barker.  The charming illustrations in these books captivated me as a child and sparked something special in my psyche for the beauty of nature and the possibilities of delightful, caring, fairy folk.  No wonder we have allegorical fairy tales and songs about them passed down through the ages.  For me, there’s a sense of childhood innocent mischief about fairies: I imagine them playing hide and seek amongst the shrubs and flowers in our gardens and especially when walking through evocative woodland dappled with sunlight and mossy rocks. I think this watercolour picture of mine, by the artist Daphne Allen, showing fairies camouflaged in honeysuckle and foxgloves, depicts my thoughts perfectly!

Looking after beauty: Acknowledging the presence of fairies, thanking them for their role in nature can lift our energy and theirs – making way for connective magic moments to happen.  I see no harm, only benefit, in imagining their beautifully diverse plant resonance.

In a way, all is known by what we call the unknown, unseen.  Loving, light-filled joyful, protective, nature spirits abound.  I think their task is to support the planet and the plants they are associated with and they’d love it if we provided more of this kindness too.

We can be kindred spirits by taking one small house plant, a wild or cultivated flower, a sapling or a great ‘Grandparent’ tree to our hearts; letting them know how much we care about them sends a message of appreciation to The Creator.

When I go down to my kitchen for that blissful first cup of coffee, I nearly always say “good morning girls” to my plants.  This lifts me straight away.  I believe it’s reciprocal because they respond by infusing my awareness with their calm, still, beauty.  As examples for healing and inspired well-being, plant life (inside and out) can be our teachers.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website. 

Louise Exeter
Building closer relationships with the Angels

Heaven’s Way
Copyright Summer 2024

PS I think of the beauty and diversity of flowers, plants and fairy-like life forms in all their guises as a metaphor for the diversity of race, culture and gender – what a beautiful global garden we could make if only we lived more in peace and acceptance with each other’s differences.