I tend to refer to plants and flowers in my home as “my girls” but surely there must be a male gender residing here too?  What would the fairies say about such considerations I wonder?

I have a series of seasonally inspired, books called ‘Flower Fairies’ by Cicely Mary Barker.  The charming illustrations in these books captivated me as a child and sparked something special in my psyche for the beauty of nature and the possibilities of delightful, caring, fairy folk.  No wonder we have allegorical fairy tales and songs about them passed down through the ages.  For me, there’s a sense of childhood innocent mischief about fairies: I imagine them playing hide and seek amongst the shrubs and flowers in our gardens and especially when walking through evocative woodland dappled with sunlight and mossy rocks. I think this watercolour picture of mine, by the artist Daphne Allen, showing fairies camouflaged in honeysuckle and foxgloves, depicts my thoughts perfectly!

Looking after beauty: Acknowledging the presence of fairies, thanking them for their role in nature can lift our energy and theirs – making way for connective magic moments to happen.  I see no harm, only benefit, in imagining their beautifully diverse plant resonance.

In a way, all is known by what we call the unknown, unseen.  Loving, light-filled joyful, protective, nature spirits abound.  I think their task is to support the planet and the plants they are associated with and they’d love it if we provided more of this kindness too.

We can be kindred spirits by taking one small house plant, a wild or cultivated flower, a sapling or a great ‘Grandparent’ tree to our hearts; letting them know how much we care about them sends a message of appreciation to The Creator.

When I go down to my kitchen for that blissful first cup of coffee, I nearly always say “good morning girls” to my plants.  This lifts me straight away.  I believe it’s reciprocal because they respond by infusing my awareness with their calm, still, beauty.  As examples for healing and inspired well-being, plant life (inside and out) can be our teachers.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter
Building closer relationships with the Angels

Heaven’s Way
Copyright Summer 2024

PS I think of the beauty and diversity of flowers, plants and fairy-like life forms in all their guises as a metaphor for the diversity of race, culture and gender – what a beautiful global garden we could make if only we lived more in peace and acceptance with each other’s differences.

“Today a new sun rises for me: everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it” [1]

Most of us innately know how important it is to listen to the wisdom of our soul for if we deny this voice we are ‘ignoring the deepest part of ourselves’ [2].  But have you ever thought of listening to the wisdom of horses too?  These wonderful sensitive creatures also have a soul-voice and significant messages they want to share with us.

Horse whisperer, Rosalyn W. Berne, was sagely informed by the splendid horse Caretto that “We often need the help of others in order to grow and that all souls come into life with a purpose to learn and to attain wisdom[3].  Horses work hard on our behalf.  Sometimes in life people have been their opponents but for those with an open mind and willing heart, horses come to our aid and stand beside us with offerings of loyalty, guidance, stamina and protection. They want to be heard. We need to listen.

We can learn and grow from their guidance. There is a great life-force within us all.  Attuning to the energy of an alternative life-form is, I believe, a way to honour the Creator and celebrate the diversity of Nature of which we are also part.  Horses, beautiful, powerful, characterful are, like us, also here for purpose.  Spirit can work through us both.

Healing from a distance ~ the wound is where the light can enter

Without a new harness, her wounds may never heal”

 This article is motivated by beautiful Hawi, an Ethopian work-horse needing medical assistance for her wounds caused by an ill-fitting harness. I don’t profess to be a horse whisperer but as I gazed at her weary image on a SPANA charity welfare circular on my desk she responded across the miles through the ether to my feelings of appreciation and concern for her.  For days I’d promised I would send a donation on her behalf.  I told her how beautiful she was and that I cared.  Now I realised she, Hawi, was still working hard at being a horse of service – through luminous moments of communication together she was distinctly informing me that we really can send and receive healing no matter where we are in the world and that through acts of giving and kindness we can harness love, respect and appreciation for each other.  I cherish this.

Horses are great empaths. There is an ancient bond between horse and human.  When we responsibly entrust ourselves to these sentient beings they can see through the windows of our souls into our emotions and physicality more than we may realise.  We become kindred spirits. Horses can help us heal and remember who we really are; so why not be inspired by what they wish as part of the animal kingdom to impart to us humans.

Worthy companions through time, I think horses have served us more than we have served them.  We can learn and grow from their enduring, generous, presence in so many ways.  But surely it’s not just a one way ride?  We need to acknowledge and give back to them the respect and kindness they rightly deserve.  If we empathetically allow ourselves to physically, emotionally and spiritually connect with them, the reciprocal rewards of companionship, understanding and healing can occur for both.  This wisdom changes things.  We can be attuned to each other’s soul-whispers to extend our potential for so much more.  This is their important message for everyone and especially for those who have the opportunity to associate with horses in any way.

“You speak to us gently and we respond. We hear your soft voice. Your requests come to us on waves of grace.  Speaking quietly you capture our attention.  We bring you blessings.  Our good will is palpable. Open your heart” [4].

Helping each other:  the Angelic realm reminds us of our inter-connectedness, the one-ness of all things – so why not begin the process of allowing/acknowledging that Spirit can work through us and other of the Creator’s creatures?

For the love of horses all over the world:  I am so grateful to beautiful, sensitive, Hawi for entrusting me to pass her significant message of intention on.  Today I hope a new sun will rise for her along with a new and better harness and that not just physical but emotional wounds can be healed if we work together for the highest good.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter
Building closer relationships with the Angels

Heaven’s Way
Copyright April 2024



Image: Hawi Spana, Charity for working animals of the world https://spana.org


[1] Anne de Lenclos in ‘Simple Abundance’, Sarah Ban Breathnach, Bantam Books.

[2] & [3] When the Horses Whisper’, Rosalyn W. Berne, Rainbow Ridge Books

[4] ‘Life Lessons.  125 Prayers and Mediations’, Julia Cameron, Hay House.

I’d love this article to inspire those who have a sense of separation that this isn’t really so, that their loved ones live on in Spirit, are not gone but with them still.  In this context, my hope is that between Heaven and Earth both my Father and I can serve together with a healing purpose, giving reassurance to those grieving.

“You realize now that I have not left you but am still with you” [1]

There’s a time and place for everything: separated when young, throughout the years, as I matured and grew up, I kept my Father in my thoughts. Although he wasn’t in my physical world, (he passed away when I was 11 years old) I hoped he would always be spiritually near me; especially during times of need.  My remarkable experience demonstrates that he was; that Love actively transcends time and distance, the visible and invisible, and finds a way through.

Here is my personal affirming story about this:-

An experience beyond my expectations

We are watched over and loved:  two efficient nurses were attending to my immediate needs as I lay in a post-operative recovery room at UCLH hospital following a significant operation in 2018. Feeling very cold, I was shaking and shivering deeply. Conscious of their remedial actions and my physical state I also became aware of an authoritative male voice guiding me to ‘focus on calm’, to steady myself by deepening my breathing.  At first I thought it was another member of staff but curiously, other than the two female nurses, no one else was to be seen. I also recall the energizing words: “Life is in this for you. Your Ancestors are rooting for you.”.  Marvellously supportive for me at the time.

As I heeded the advice to be “Calm” my shaking reduced, my awareness increased and it dawned on me that something extraordinary was taking place. Could this be my Father in spirit speaking to me? It was, after all, the perfect setting: he had been an eminent surgeon in his life time, dedicated to healing.

Sometimes, just sometimes an extra-ordinary event will happen that lets the gene of your heart out of the jar: it’s not financial, it’s not material it’s spiritual.  Before the operation I’d offered a prayer of hope that my Father’s expertise and energy would bless and support the procedure.  He must have performed my particular operation countless times and here he was, still healing in a way by looking out for his daughter.

Angel blessings

Heaven sends us signs and synchronicity: I’m an avid Angel card reader – my cards come with me wherever I go. On the day of my operation a deck was therefore with me.  Prepared, in the hospital waiting room, I shuffled and drew a single card from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue. This was it.

It augured well for the procedure I thought but little could I know then that it announced another amazing outcome too.

“If I could make a day for you, I’d give you a morning golden and new. I would make it last for all time and fill your night full of moon shine.”                               

Music is part of our soul’s journey and the medium through which the Angels and Spirit can communicate with us.  As I was wheeled from the recovery room to my hospital bed, these were my Father’s touchingly beautiful closing words to me (from the song by Scott Fitzgerald and Yvonne Keeley).

More than words

The following day, as if knocking on the door of my attention, the same gorgeous words from the song repeatedly echoed in my mind – paving the way for my receiving further clear and affirming personal Father/daughter statements, ‘through God’s Love’.

This wonderfully reassuring experience stays vibrant still.  How my spirit soared. All of this was a miracle of time and place.  A daughter’s prayers, hopes and wishes had been answered. For a long time afterwards I was on planet joy.  I felt my soul had been touched by Love and hugged by Angels.  I think of my scar as a holistic souvenir of healing for my heart.  A place where the light entered. Thankfully, something inside of me had been healed physically by the splendid NHS staff but also an ancient emotional wound had been too.

Amusingly, my hospital discharge form had a small note at the bottom of the page saying ‘Uneventful Recovery’ I had to smile – from my perspective this couldn’t have been further from the truth!

“Here my words that I might teach you” [2]

Openness to believing helps receiving:  I discovered through this experience that joy can emerge through adversity and challenge. That miracles can and do happen and that our departed loved ones are closer than we think.  As a pioneering and highly regarded surgeon in his time, my Father was also busy on the international lecturing circuit teaching and training others.  Healing was his mission and this is why I think my Father would like me to share my comforting story with you now – I am here. You are there. We are together.

Spirit moves in mysterious and marvellous ways: to complete Heaven’s synchronicities, when I got home, resting in bed, I opened a Christmas Magazine.  As I did so, a fund-raising ‘Adopt a Puppy Guide Dog for the Blind’ leaflet fell out.  The puppy’s name was Spirit and the owner’s name (as is mine) was Louise!  God moves in mysterious ways for sure and I am so grateful for this.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter
Building closer relationships with the Angels

This is dedicated to my Father, with all my love.

Heaven’s Way
Copyright December 2023


[1]  Book: Divine Healing of Mind and Body: Dr. Murdo MacDonald-Bayne
[2]  Quote: The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel
Angel Card: ‘Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue. Hay House.

Signs and Reminders.

A while back I watched a marvellous butterfly travel-log in which thousands left their birth-land to embark on an incredible feat of migration; stopping off en mass for respite in beautiful Hawaii. There was wave upon wave of them flying, fluttering and cascading about in huge, vibrant swirls; eventually settling like giant clusters of grapes to hang out together in the trees for mutually re-energizing warmth. Their vibrant orange wing colours combined to blanket the trees creating a collective of conical formations, reminiscent of rich Autumnal colours and of leaves preparing to leave the trees.

What a lovely combination
What a lovely idea

Autumn, in all its glory, is a transitional seasonal metaphor for the benefits of letting go in preparation for something else. Butterflies are, of course, so symbolic of the personal fulfilment that can take effect if we but follow the example of falling leaves to shed the concepts of our old selves. Just think – if you release what no longer serves your purpose you make way to metamorphose your thoughts, emotions, relationships and potential into something even more beautiful.

If change seems too daunting at present, take heart by looking to the rhythms of Mother Nature as teacher and calling in the guidance of Angels, Guardians and Guides to inspire. In this way – like the amazing butterflies in the travel-log – by hanging out together we learn to become the catalysts for our own transformations.

Make something wonderful. Trust that there is a loving source just waiting to be asked to help you.

Angels are like a high-voltage GPS system from Source to lovingly illuminate our journeys, hearts and minds with enriching perceptions. They are shining lights for our personal understandings and discoveries if we actively invite them into our lives. Working with such Divine beings helps us release old preconceptions with greater ease and invite new ones in. As we look through the windows of our minds with their support we start to follow our hearts, spark joy in our lives and provide for miracles in the process.
Become the change you want to be.

Angels not only help us cope with change or better still, optimistically embrace change; they help us make something wonderful as we organically grow through an internal process of transformation with their love. Over time, this becomes an enduring relationship and an on-going journey of mutual friendship for the highest good.

True love ways

Angels want to help us:

  • step over the threshold of self-doubt into self-belief
  • navigate through choice with greater clarity
  • let go with compassion and forgiveness
  • transform from past and present challenges into empowerment
  • be the best we can be

“Whatever you’re about to do today can be transformed . . . if your heart is open and you’re willing to be the Great Creator’s conduit”

Maybe now is the time to reflect and ask yourself:

  • What do I want to let go of?
  • What do I want to become?
  • How can I be the catalyst for positive change?
  • What colour are my butterfly wings?
Feel inspired

Perhaps next time you are out for an Autumnal walk stop and connect with the leaves – feel as if you are a beautiful falling leaf – ready to just fall and float and swirl like the butterflies or alternatively pick a grounded leaf and thank it for its beauty and message. The fallen leaves re-nourish the earth, the trees consolidate their energy during the winter in order to re-emerge resplendent in all their fresh Spring glory. Unlike the trees, we have the potential to do this any time when we align with the harmonies of both Heaven and Earth.

Building connection:

Remember that change is Divinely supported when you open your heart to giving and receiving Love. Today I invite you to be willing to be adventurous – to believe that a companion Spirit is leading you and that together you can co-create the best next step. When we trust, we step into our own transformative power of authenticity – we emerge. I call these ‘Butterfly Moments’. Heaven smiles with us at such times.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter
Building closer relationships with the Angels

Heaven’s Way
Copyright September 2023

Quotation:  Sarah Ban Breathnach ‘Simple Abundance. A Day book of Comfort and Joy’

“With some of the best things in life, you can’t control the timing.” [1]

Heaven lovingly knows what we need can be more rewarding, compared to what we want at any one time.  It’s a familiar teaching but have you, at a deeply personal level, experienced or discovered this yet? Does this resonate for you?

One fine day ‘Divine Timing’ caught my attention and turned my consciousness around at just the right serendipitous moment:  my Guardian Angel had whispered in my ear “You have the gift of time”.

Suddenly, it was like sunlight shining through a dense dark forest, I could see clearly, I fell into a better space – out of anxiety into appreciation.

This engaging concept energised my perceptions, it lifted and shifted my emotions too: instead of stressing through my human, ‘real time’ laden with conditions I was now able to accept the passing of time as a blessing/a benefit, rather than an obstacle.  My Guardian Angel’s practical re-interpretation reassured me it was okay to accept rather than wrestle with this precious commodity. Like a healing balm, I realised my situation could now be held and nurtured by ‘the gift of time’.

“Give me a little more time and our love will surely grow.” [2]

Time is a mercurial, transient thing. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by its passing –  we can feel squeezed or stretched by it – there’s never enough, it travels too fast or too slow for our liking. Sometimes it even seems to stand still – but remember, it’s always the right time and place to call upon one of God’s messengers for help, support and guidance, especially your Guardian Angel – their love endures.

Divine love does not give up on us either; it is hopeful and durable. Angels, Guardians and Guides see the bigger picture; they love us unconditionally and want the best for us. So often the Heavenly realm is working magic on our behalf behind the scenes, even though we might not be aware of it. They know when our dreams need more nurturing through the gifts of time and patience. I think we must sometimes seem like an impatient young bird wanting to leave the nest before its ready –  it can only do so once its wings are fully fledged.

With Heaven’s wisdom and insights to back us we don’t always have to be in a hurry –

Just knowing that we can be in the power of our present and still dream of the future can boost our sense of confidence, resilience and direction. Through patience our challenges can be wrapped in kindness instead of worry, our perceptions soften. Reassuringly, in this way obstacles morph into surmountable detours as our increasing empowerment and wings have time to grow.

Dreams don’t materialise overnight. They usually need planning and prep in order to unfold. This can be a wonderful creative process however there are times when we can feel stuck in frustration and forget about appreciation!  That’s when it’s best to let go of control, take time in your stride and surrender achievement to a higher power. In this way you get back on the path to joy: your dreams can come true quicker than you imagined.


Dear Angels, thank you for loving me through all time.  Thank you for supporting my sensitivity, guiding my understanding in the present and inspiring my dreams for the future. With the light of your wisdom I feel empowered for the highest good,

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright May 2023


  1. Marie Forleo, marketing specialist.
  2. Give me Just a Little More Time : song Chairman of the Board
  3. Card: Archangel Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue, Hay House, Artist: Anne Yvonne Gilbert

HAVE YOU EVER, like me, felt the need to be wrapped in the soft and comforting glow of your GUARDIAN ANGEL’S love or ignited by the power of Archangel MICHAEL (He Who is like God) to amp up your sense of safety, courage and determination?  Or alternatively, enlisted the strengthening and healing help from Archangels GABRIEL (Strength of God) and RAPHAEL (God Heals) for family and friends during their hard times?

I SEE YOU:  Angels look at us through the empowering lens of love, encouraging us to see the good in everyone. I’ve looked to Archangel JOPHIEL (Beauty of God) to be reminded of my own sense of value, as well as the worth of others for building stronger, more loving relationships and my GUARDIANS have, when I was feeling blinkered, reminded me of the importance of appreciation: “EVERYTHING HAS ITS OWN KIND OF BEAUTY” they say.

WE CAN BE LIFTED: Such mindful prompting from the angelic realm sows holistic seeds of love and light into our perceptions.  Their compassionate insights bring clarity, their guidance extends our potential for so much more: more fun, creativity, harmony and healing to all areas of life.  This changes things.  The Angelic realm works hard on our personal behalf for sure. In return it’s so nice to acknowledge and thank them for their generous service.

“Divine abundance is my only reality and Divine abundance richly manifests for me.”

The spiritual realm has so much to give and they want to share in our joy too. They are our ‘first aid kit’, our ‘spiritual running buddies’ and companions of the heart – waiting to support and motivate us in any way they can.   They come with such bright lights of guidance and direction, reminding us of our inter-connectedness and to make the home of our heart an amazing place to live.

“Begin the process of allowing Spirit to work with you and link up to the field of intention.”

 LOVE MORE. FEAR LESS. Everyone is special to Source.  Life experiences have taught me that the FRIENDSHIP of ANGELS, GUARDIANS and GUIDES is standing by not just for me but for anyone, everyone, especially during times of need but also sharing in our success and happiness. They know we are bigger than we think we are. That our love and forgiveness can reach farther and wider than we believe. They are the power of love and this is their gift for us. All we have to do. Is believe and ask.

“We need ‘love expressed in faith and faith that works through love.”

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright December 2022


‘Spiritual running buddies’: Kyle Grey.   ‘Own kind of beauty’: my Guardians

‘Divine abundance’: Simple Abundance A day book of comfort and Joy, Sarah Ban Breathnach. ‘Beginthe process’: Dr. Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention.

‘We need love’: My dear child Listening to God’s heart, Colin Urquhart.

Angel Image: The Guardian Angel Oracle, Chrissie Astell, Rene Milot Watkins Press

Love watches over us and reliably stands beside us, always. This constant is a most powerful thing. Greater than we can imagine.

Without limits, conditions or judgments, the high vibrational light of love dependably shines for us 24/7.

“Take my arms that I might reach you.”

Through LOVE we are united, supported, steadied. Through LIGHT we are guided. Through BOTH we are nourished to evolve and flourish. To quote Rebecca Campbell:

You are more held than you could possibly imagine. Loved and cherished so dearly that, if you knew, you would not spend one second of your life in separation, worry or fear

“Hear my words that I might teach you.”

Even though, at times, you may feel spiritually isolated, hold on to the idea that separation is a misconception, reassure yourself that’s an illusion, listen for whispers through the sounds of silence; remind yourself  ‘only love is real’.  When the going gets tough, the angelic realm send us signs as confirming signals to raise our spirits. Look out for these –  it’s their comforting way to say ‘we are with you and for you’ – a  prompt to lift our consciousness, to trust more and fear less.

When we allow love to lead us, we re-define our situation rather than the other way round. It then becomes easier to step into the knowledge that we are held in the space of a beautiful truth; loved and supported by wise beings who want the best for us and the best in us.  This is so evident during Angel intuitive card readings and with spiritual practice.

The Joy: Your team. On your side.

Each one of us has the blessing of a spiritual team: a nurturing presence to lovingly watch over us and stand beside us with non-judgement, patience and understanding. There can be something in this about the joy of divine timing too. Knowing how worthy we are, they shine brightly for us even when we feel our own light is dimmed. In this way, the angels help us and we can then help others.


Dear Guardians, Angels, Guides  It’s comforting to know you are my support team of grace and love. Thank you for shining through for me, for seeing my true colours. I’m grateful for your presence.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright August 2022


Song: Words from The Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel

Quote: Rebecca Campbell, Light worker.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”

Oh what a perfect day!’  Some days are just like this; they fall into place and everything flows beautifully.  When this happens life is smooth, easy, accomplished. We smile at the world and the world smiles back.  It’s easy to feel thankful and in tune with the Universe – these are the high vibe days that spark joy.

“Listen to your vulnerable feelings as they contain wisdom and inspiration.”

But life’s not always so simple is it? We can be challenged, distracted or boycotted.  How we respond, of course, depends on the recipe of our lives and the ingredients of our experiences.  On days like this it is important to listen to the wisdom of your feelings but oh how easy it can be to get stuck in frustration and forget about appreciation in the process.

 “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

I love that quote.  It brings my thinking, feeling and doing actions right up to where they belong. Gratitude helps us step closer to the voice of Angels. We hear their pure and loving words that little bit easier when we are in this zone.  Angels come on the wings of friendship, compassion, understanding and grace. Their intention is to ‘spark joy’ in us so we can access it in our lives and give it to others. It’s an uplifting, liberating and reciprocal thing.


How comforting is this Guardian Angel guidance to help you change the way you feel and to see frustration as a sign that it’s time to call in the angels for lighting the way and re-framing intention – to seize the moment and make that call.

“Each day brings new miracles to celebrate. Each moment can be a miracle if we choose to perceive it that way.”

SOUL TIP: When the voice of my resistance gets in the way; when I’m finding it hard to genuinely connect with the emotion of gratitude, I ask my thoughts to step into the wonderful for me instead – that’s the wonder of miracles above and beyond me e.g. a glorious sunrise, an azure blue sea, a beautiful rose, bird song at dawn, birth of a child. This instantly transforms and realigns my mindfulness.

Whether you need to let go with grace, step into the power of moving on or, like the Serenity Prayer, accept what is for the time-being, gratitude is the rescue remedy that positively recalibrates energy – The Serenity Prayer invites Divine wisdom to elevate energy. You’ll feel the change and when you do, it’s as if the angels are smiling with you – you become the change you wanted to be: no longer stuck in frustration but standing happier in appreciation – and when you find you are smiling involuntarily to yourself, you’ll know an Angel has whispered directly to your heart.

In the power of this moment I recognize that appreciation is a state of mind.

Thank you Angels.


For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright Heavens Way March 2021


Serenity Prayer: Attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr

Oh What A Perfect Day: Title of a Lou Reed Song

Listen to your vulnerable feelings: Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards, Doreeen Virtue

Feeling gratitude and not expressing It: William Arthur Ward: Bite Sized Wisdom by  Michele Yeomans & Malong Bridgelal.

Cherish the now. Trouble no more and we will guide you: My Guardian Angels/Archangel Azrael Meditation 2019

Each day brings new miracles: Gabby Bernstein, Inspired Wellbeing.

Sparking Joy: Inspired by Marie Kondo and Angels

“Transformation can’t stop with the body . . .  it must involve the soul.” [1]

Think of the bliss of a personal space to move your body, thoughts and feelings comfortably, with ease and flow.  Knowing that when you get in alignment with yourself, you move in greater alignment with the Universe too.

What an exciting journey you can have. Releasing what no longer serves you whether in your home or yourself creates the opportunity for freedom and joy to enter. When you look after either one, you look after the other. It can be a rewarding, synergistic, process.

You are your sacred space.                                                                                       

You are the dwelling place of your soul. We are three dimensional beings (or more) made of mind, body, soul. Each of these is a kindred energetic aspect of who you are that will benefit from your time and TLC.  Self-caring maintains their vibrations in mutual harmony and creates a personal sense of space for your holistic self to yawn, breath and stretch    . . . this leads me to thoughts of yoga and Angels.

Working with Angels is like yoga for the soul.

Yoga is dynamic and so are we.  As with any exercise, the more regularly it’s done, the greater the benefit. Ditto ref working with the Angelic team.  Spiritual practice helps us stretch our thoughts, feelings and actions in new directions for the highest good and increased well BE-ing.

Angels, Guardians and Guides are not only spiritual coaches, they are life coaches too.

They over-light our way for clarity of purpose, hold the space for us with non-judgment, compassion and understanding, help us repair what needs fixing and identify what’s best to focus on and better to release. They help us get heart focused. They know our heart speaks for our soul: “The activity of the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health” [2]

Breathe calm, my darlings

Exercising our thoughts with ease and grace comes from a stillness through which we access inner wisdom and loving spiritual guidance.  When things get too much, deep breathing moves us through stress to calm, gets us grounded. Synchronizing breath with meditation creates a personal space of tranquility so we can listen and receive. Vibrating at a higher frequency, the Angelic realm broadcasts love, healing and positivity to the world. Through this we come to realize our potential and make room for inner peace which is a great blessing.

Think of Angels and Guides as personal trainers – your Spiritual Yoga Instructors.  

Your body is the home of your soul. Your heart is the mind of the soul. It’s good to honour both. When you nourish yourself, you nourish your soul and your life at the same time. Remember there’s an angel or guide to support you every step of the way.  When you work together  “You can discover a new level of mental clarity and focus, creativity and energy” [3]

Bring me a higher love. Love touches my soul and yours.                                         

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright Heavens Way December 2021


[1] Chi-Ki Wellbeing newsletter referring to Deepak Chopra

[2], [3] Dr. Tim Ridge, retired GP writing about Heart Coherence.

Saying goodbye to a person you love can be the hardest of all.

On beautiful windswept days, the trees know just how to let go. They release their leaves with apparent ease.  As they fall, their colourful ballet reminds us of this benefit; inspiring us to release the unnecessary in our lives.

Letting go of what no longer serves or suits us personally becomes a kind of internal/external form of space-clearing. The process pushes us to more clearly think about how we want to live moving forward. Dancing among cascading leaves or throwing cares to the wind as a natural well-Being metaphor for the home of your heart is liberating – boosted when you enlist the help of Angels such as Archangel Michael to ‘cut, clear, delete’ the cords of past ties in the process.

‘Come to the edge he said.
We can’t. We’re afraid they responded. Come to the edge he said.
We can’t. We will fall they responded. Come to the edge he said.
And so they came and he pushed them and they flew’ [1]

Working with Angels will give you wings. Working with Archangel Michael will help you fly.

  • When we Trust in the Universe, we let go and Let God. Wonderful can happen.
  • When we step out of our own way, we make space for something new.
  • When we let go of resentment or anger, we make way for forgiveness.
  • Letting go with compassion makes way for healing.
  • Letting go with Love makes way for joy or inner peace in our hearts.

“Choosing to make positive changes for your future doesn’t necessarily have to mean letting go of parts from the past you still love” [2]

BUT what if you have to release something that does spark joy? There are times when we have to let go of who or what we love when we are not ready. Losing someone close can be the hardest of all.

When this happens we’re like the trees without their leaves, standing exposed and bare, branches highlighted against grey wintery skies.  At such times we may do as they do: we can hunker down to consolidate our raw emotions for recuperation, taking the opportunity through grief to reflect with thankfulness and compassion on past memories for repair and healing in the present.

The touching song Immortality’ by Celine Dion and the Bee Gees speaks to me deeply about dealing positively with loss through bereavement.  The words go: We don’t say goodbye . . . I make my journey through eternity . . . I keep the memory of you and me inside  . . .” Such is to be cherished.

Knowing that your loved ones are still with you in Spirit, in Love, through eternity makes it easier to hold the best from your times together. As you carry their love with you in your heart; thankfulness and compassion for shared memories builds a bridge of repair and healing in the present, carrying you through your emotional season of change into your future. Working with Archangel Michael and his team of Angels can bring confidence, comfort and support you as you do so.

“We are here for you and you are here for us. That is how we like it to be.” [3]

Remember you can call upon Archangels Raphael for healing your feelings, Gabriel for emotional strength and Michael for courage.  Archangel Azrael has accompanied your loved one as they journeyed ‘Home’ and is here for you to call upon now as you transition through consequent change. Archangel Chamuel brings you Soulmate comfort and connectedness on the wings of Love and your Guardian Angel is always by your side.

I think ‘Letting go’ is different from ‘Releasing’. Letting go is a personal choice, releasing is surrendering. Both are good to do. When I say the following mantra I am, in effect, ‘Letting go and Letting God’.

“I surrender to a power greater than me. I step back and let love lead the way.” [4]

Standing between Heaven and Earth as we do, we can look to the night sky, the moon and the stars to remind ourselves we are part of something very big, special and beautiful. Through Source – The Great Spirit of Love and Light – we are united.

“Ask your angels or those you love to help you move through the process quickly so that you can get back on the path to joy.” [5]

Working with Angels and Spirit, I’ve learnt that our loved ones in Heaven want us to be happy. They want us to let go of prolonged grief with their blessing. Angels help them transition to their Soul’s Heavenly home and us release whatever we have to with compassion to the situation and ourselves. Working with Archangel Michael and his team of Angels as we do so brings support, comfort and confidence in the knowledge that you are not apart, just living in different places.

“Offer prayers of gratitude for all you shared. your bond continues as you open your heart” [6]

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Dedicated to Grandpa Michael James.

Copyright Heavens Way November 2021


Archangel Michael: ‘He who is like God’
Archangel Raphael: ‘God Heals’
Archangel Gabriel: ‘God is my Strength’
Archangel Azrael: ‘God is my Aid’
Archangel Chamuel: ‘He who sees God’
‘Cut, clear, delete’ : Doreen Virtue
[1] Poem: Guillaume Apollinaire
[2] Quote from Marie Kondo’s newsletter & website
[3] My Guardians
[4] Gabby Bernstein
[5]  Guardian Angel Tarot Cards Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.
[6] Life Lessons (No.4) Julia Cameron