We can have a heart to heart with the Angels through the cards, feel buoyed by our Power Animal, soothed and guided through meditations – but have you ever thought of connecting with flowers in similar ways?

When we spend time, intention and focus with flowers we connect with their energy to absorb and refresh through the gift of their beautiful essence. We can take inspiration from our floral friends and be loved, healed and guided by their presence.

Like angels, flowers carry messages of love. There’s a flower for every occasion to brighten lives, nourish the spirit, grace a place, provide bouquets of joy and act as messengers of the heart on our behalf.

Flowers invite us to appreciate them. When we do, they seem to smile back in gratitude. From the smallest to the largest most flamboyant, the humblest to the haute couture of the flower world, flowers have an effortless beauty. They just are their glorious confident selves. With a loving wisdom they seem to reach out, like angels, through a resonance of presence and purpose they want to share.  We can learn and grow from their example about simply BE-ing.

“I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself what a wonderful world”

This quote, from the Louis Armstrong ‘What a Wonderful World’ song is so ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL –  She helps us see the beauty of the world around us. She will help you connect to your inner beauty too so you, like flowers, can blossom and bloom in your natural wonderfulness.


Where could Archangel Jophiel help you see more beauty in your life.

Angels look at us through the lens of love. They really do. Their presence says “I SEE YOU” ~ that’s the qualities and potential within you and me, beyond the image and self-judgment we sometimes see reflected back at ourselves in the mirror.  JOPHIEL’S name is ‘God’s Beauty’ and if you were to ask her a question “The beauty in me sees the beauty in you” is what she might well reply.


In my ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL meditation a lovely light being handed me a bunch of flowers – it was so beautiful. Perhaps symbolically she was saying Connect with your inner light. Be open to receive, take inspiration from the flowers; be your true self for you too are a gift to the world. I long to understand more but what I do appreciate is when I pause and look deeper I open up to something of the wisdom of flowers –  I am looking at a miracle and I am part of that miracle of creation  – so too are you.


How do flowers speak to you? If you were a flower which type would you be?

If you were to look at this flower as if you were an Angel and say “I see you” what first word might pop into your head?  My first word was “Beautiful”. Surely ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL is amongst the flowers.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Thank you Angels for inspiring me through flowers

Louise Exeter

Copyright July 2021


“The word ‘gentle’ sprang to mind as a being of light gave me a bunch of flowers” ~  Gifted from an Archangel Jophiel meditation

“I see trees of green red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself what a wonderful world” ~  Louis Armstrong ‘What a Wonderful World.

“Everything has its own kind of beauty” ~ my Guardians.

“The beauty in me sees the beauty in you” ~ Chrissie Astell ~ angel author and spiritual teacher.

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature” ~ Gerard de Nerval, Sourced: Brainy Quote

Where can your heart lead you? Where does your mind take you? How far do they travel – together or separately? One leads emotions, the other logic. Which one do you follow the most?

“Let your heart trail blaze for your mind” [Archangel Chamuel]

When head and heart both agree it’s a beautiful thing. It means that love, kindness, compassion are trail-blazing the logic of your thoughts – your heart and mind are working in perfect harmony. This coming together is called ‘Coherence’.

There’s a saying that ‘two heads are better than one’; well, two hearts are also better than one.  The fabulous thing is, when you synchronize the thoughts of your heart with another’s you are doubling the Love – think of that potential.

Working with Angels is working with your heart too – that is ‘Alignment’ – that is sacred Coherence.

Our heart has great capacity – but an Angel’s has even greater, there are no limits. In this light-filled, love-filled way, each heart beat becomes a high vibration transmitter between the two of you. But it needn’t stop there! Each heart beat can become your personal ‘Morse Code’ to the world.

With Love From Me to You – Put It Out There

Angels have wings; we have prayers. Angels are messengers; so are we – via the world wide web we can send a message anywhere; well so can Angels – they have the UNIVERSE at their disposal. We can ask them to send and deliver our messages world wide, Special Delivery.

Cosmic messengers – Without Limits

Stars and angels are both cosmic messengers from the heart of the Universe travelling on wavelengths of brilliance. Think of them like a SuperNova – an incredible Light energy transmitter from Source to deliver.

A little love can go a long way.

“We all feed into this energetic field even with diff time zones”  Neighbour, neighbourhood, district, town or country; loved ones or strangers, near or far. Exciting scientific research* endorses how heart-to-heart synchronization between people located miles apart and not in phone or online contact can occur.

This is what the ancients knew – that invisible bonds of communication can carry strengthening, loving, healing, thoughts abroad; that Love can travel to reach another, through the miles of our hopes and wishes for the greater good.

At Your Service

This is a wonderful thing that science is now verifying. This is synchronization for service between Heaven and Earth; between an Angel’s heart and yours. Isn’t it good to know that ‘we can energetically support and lift each other’s vibration and the planetary vibration at the same time’. Let’s do this as often as we can because Communication is a beautiful thing.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright February 2021

Quote and Reference:
Interview with Deborah Rozman & HeartMath Institute Director of Research, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., HeartMath Newsletter #36.


Whether a ‘Lion King’ or a Door Mouse –  Each Power Animal brings its own attributes to re-shape and enhance our energetic vibration because what we need varies and fluctuates: one day a Dolphin; another a Unicorn – the dynamics are recognized and understood in the Spiritual world.

Little or large, air born, sea going or land-loving: our ‘Power Animal’ can take any shape or form.  They could even be a beloved pet that has moved on to a different ‘play ground’.   Often a comfort, but also an energizer and an empowering spiritual symbol; the Mutual Attraction need never be far apart.


We can learn and grow from the generosity of our Power Animal. Their energy message is clear by their very nature.  Sometimes in life people have been their opponents but for those with an open mind and willing heart they come to our aid and stand beside us with offerings of love, guidance, stamina and protection. In return, we can thank them by appreciating all creatures great and small whom we share this planet with.

There is a great spirit of life within us all. Attuning to the energy of an inspiring alternative life-form is, I believe, a lovingly respectful way to honour our Creator and celebrate the diversity of Nature of which we are also part.

I pray for peace, for healing, for people, for animals of air, land and sea and for our planet because we live in a world of daily natural miracles. This a wonderful world of diversity and it is worth praying for, fighting for and working for – and remember to look out for your power animal – they are looking out for you!

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright October 2020

Quotation: ‘Calypso’, Song by John Denver


Occasionally it can be good to acknowledge our inner shadows – taking comfort from the fact that they are only shadows.

When Helen Keller said “Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows” she was letting her senses speak for her – we can take inspiration from this view to awaken our own sense of appreciation. Occasionally though, it can be good to acknowledge our inner shadows – taking comfort from the fact that they are only shadows. 


“When I look at the solar system, I see the Earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light.  This did not happen by chance” [1]

Day and night, sun and shade are contrasting aspects within the beauty of creation – and we are part of creation. You know how it is: sometimes we need to step into the shade to get out of the burning sun or alternatively, step from a too cool place back into the sun’s energizing warmth. When we think about ourselves in this positive and versatile way, we can turn our shadows into a gift for improving our sense of wellbeing.

Every moment, every event of our life on earth plants something in our soul. [2]  Just as Mother Earth sustains and feeds us; our varied experiences can enrich and nourish [even though it may not seem like it at the time] rather than deplete and defeat – If we shift our perceptions a little this way, it becomes easier to step into the sun.

To me, there is something magical, wonderful and inspiring about cosmic connections.  For example, we are part of the stars and they are part of us.  Stars are in our DNA. It’s a scientific fact. How beautiful is that!

When we shine like the sun, take intuitive inspiration from the moon and follow our own guiding star, the ‘Great Spirit of Love’ increasingly shines from within.


Sometimes, this is easier said than done because it seems as if our personal shadows are blocking the light; but think YIN – YANG harmonies, how they mutually ebb and flow to enhance each other.  The key, therefore, is not to stay too long in the shadow nor the sun but to move with grace between the two.  However, if you need help with lightening up, this is where the Angels come in. For example:-

Archangel MICHAEL is the Angel of the Sun. He helps us ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. Archangel GABRIEL is the Angel of the Moon. He/She helps us step into the joy of new beginnings. Think of contrasts: Dynamic, energizing, empowering. Gentle, soft, inwardly reflective. Both are illuminating and strengthening in different ways. Both bring unity and healing through the different lights of Day and Night.

“When I focus on my inner Light I see the world through the lens of Love” [3]

 This is how it is when we engage with Archangel mindfulness; we activate the synergy of who we are for mind body and soul harmony.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright June 2020

Quotation References:

1] Isaac Newton Brainy Quote.com
2] inspired by a Thomas Merton quotation
3] Gabby Bernstein: The Universe Has Your Back Cards
4] Image: Copyright 123RF
Check Helen Keller at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Keller



 We are currently living in most extraordinary times of change and transition. Waging war on an international virus – but also pulling together, rising above in altruism and service.  Thankfully this too is infectious.  So too is, the nation’s gratitude for the NHS staff and other heroes who daily put themselves at risk for the ‘at risk’ in the global front-line of battle to mend, heal and overcome.  They are courageously ‘Feeling the fear and doing it anyway’ on our behalf.  Also there are many behind the scenes ‘unsung’ heroes maintaining the machinery of life’s necessities for the greater benefit of society – their contributions are being acknowledged and applaud too.

 “We are here for you and you are here for us” (2)  With the daily flow of  life-threatening news reportage and the world in increasing lock-down we are simultaneously being – internationally as well as personally – [dis]connected through anxiety and fear.  Thankfully, there is an antidote – God’s invisible army of Universal Light workers known as ‘Angels’ .

“We are here to help you through the circumference of life” (3)  Only a thought and a prayer away, Angels are ready and willing to assuage, sustain, support and transport us through this current mega challenge.  They hear the thoughts of our hearts. It’s good to know that together with their Friendship we can unlock the power within to step out of the stream of fear into the empowering stream of infinite Love.

Archangel Michael will help you find the hero inside yourself.

This is the message Heaven wants me to share:- (4)

Tell the world Archangel Michael is the one for healing broken homes and mind-sets for Love. He is God’s messenger for Home, Family, Love. Archangel Michael is central to healing. Archangel Michael helps us to focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong. Cherish Archangel Michael, he keeps us strong. Go to him always. 

“Feeling afraid is Spirit’s signal to ask for grace and power” (5) This is a time when most of us will have to look fear in the face and do it anyway, no matter what our age, status or role in life; the significant thing to hang on to is that we are mind, body and soul more than the current situation. Trust Love: fear less. Trust Love: take comfort. We don’t have to go it alone. We have allies in the Spiritual realm who are with us every step of the way.

Unlock the power within! There may be no quick fix but inner strength comes from knowing that we are bigger than we think we are; that the human spirit can and will rise above. Collectively “we are all children of God in Love” (6) – part of the wonderfully dynamic and diverse ‘One-ness’ of all things; pulling together in a time of need.  We are stronger together.

“Who you think you are cannot handle this challenge – but who you  really are can and will” (8) Believe in yourself. As the marvellous  Louise L Hay would say: ’The Power is Within You.’ “Cherish Archangel Michael. He keeps us strong. Go to him always.”

Honour your feelings: It’s the courage to continue that counts.

For those of you feeling small, in anxiety overwhelm or swamped by circumstance. I am offering four,  free “Power Up The Home Of Your Heart Archangel Meditations” through my website.

Louise Exeter

Copyright February 2020

Quotation References:

(1) Louise L Hay
(2),  (3), (4), (6)  My Heaven’s Way Guardian Angels.
(5) Sarah Ban Breathnach, ‘Simple Abundance’
(7) Robert Holden
(8) ‘Everyday Matters’ 2016 Diary, Kindred Spirit


We can’t move very far ourselves these days but the times we are living in and the news especially is tremendously moving. Over 10,000 people have died or as they say in the News reports ‘Lost their Lives”. I find that a strange expression. I don’t think we lose, we ‘move on’ instead: move on to our Spiritual Home – a place of Light, Love and Healing. However, to lose a friend, a loved-one, parent, sibling, child, cracks the heart open. We are indeed living in moving times – but the human Spirit rises. It can be demanding work but the sun will shine again in the hearts of those suffering loss and facing challenge.

Dear Lord, I pray for all those on their journey travelling back home to the haven of their Spiritual hearts – the home of their Soul. I pray for the Easter message of renewal and rebirth to come shining through too. For the joy of all the new babies who will arrive this pretty blossom-filled Spring. I pray for the power of Nature to inspire us for pushing through against tough odds. I pray for the Universal Spirit of Love, Hope, Healing and Renewal to unite us all and shine through to the Brave New World of our Hearts as we move on.

Louise Exeter & Heaven’s Way

Copyright April 2020

Kindness is a language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.”

Kindness is a wonderful thing we could all do with from time to time. Kindness is a gift from one person to another. Kindness touches the human spirit with generosity and appreciation. Kindness is a vibrational shape-shifter; a feel-good factor that heals dented moments and brightens a stranger’s day, Kindness is transformational. It costs nothing but consideration and generosity of spirit.



Kind words touch lonely hearts and warm sad ones; they comfort a friend and sooth the needy.  Angels speak to the soul in this way – they come with the vibration of compassion and understanding. This initiates an internal response in us – a ripple effect in our heart-mind consciousness, our lives, our relationships.


Some powerfully provocative crystal research work exists – by the Japanese Nobel prize winner Dr. Masaru Emoto – about the extraordinarily demonstrable resonance words, intentions and music have on the molecular structure and appearance of water crystals. How their individuality and beauty is impacted upon – for better or worse – by the influence of constructive or destructive word vibrations. The implications are immense. . Just think of the correspondence: both humans and the planet are largely composed of water!  Check it out here …


Each new year, at the stroke of midnight my family always bids farewell to the old and welcomes in the new with a Scottish ‘Cup of Kindness’ – that tradition of crossing hearts as we affectionately reach out to others, join hands and sing “For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne we’ll pass a cup of kindness . . .” 

What do you think about sharing a ‘Cup of personal Kindness’? If you were holding one in your hands right now, how big would it be? What shape, size or form would it take? Is your cup half full or half empty? Importantly, would you share it with a person who is making your heart feel a far off place at the moment?


Think of kindness as a teacher.  We all know that small acts of kindness go a long way but there’s always room for more. A Course in Miracles says: ‘Let love enter into your mind and make kindness your goal’



With this in mind, take a few moments to imagine –  even illustrate – a representative cup of kindness –  colour it, name it, own it!  Take your time, don’t hold back, this is a loving cup of your creation – let it overflow!


Next, allow yourself to share its contents with a friend, stranger, animal or place in need; especially with that person who is making your heart feel a far off place. In your mind’s eye, offer your cup to them with compassion, forgiveness and love in your recipe if you can. How do you feel about this person or situation now?


Love comes all wrapped up in kindness!  If this gesture is difficult to conjure, you can always ask the Angels to assist you.  They have an unlimited amount of love and kindness to go round.  For example:-

Archangel Uriel throws light on a situation or relationship that needs compassion.
Archangel Chamuel helps us look at life through the lens of Love.
Archangel Michael empowers us to step up and shine through Love.
Archangel Jophiel reminds us to be kind to the inner vision of ourselves.
Your Guardian Angel is always by your side to direct towards Love.


Kindness is a healer, a shape shifter, a joy bringer.  A gift to ourselves and others any time of year. it’s a gift from your heart to another without any expectation of payment in return. You could say, kindness is a ‘small act of greatness’.

For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Louise Exeter

Copyright February 2020

Quote: Mark Twain

If you had no money, no material possessions, what gift would you bring to the world? Take a steady look at the image of Faith (from Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light deck) above. Her offering comes from the Divine to our hearts. Love speaks to us through the gentle power of this image. Do you know what she is offering you? Will you accept? Will you share? Who, what or where might need this precious gift right now?

I’ve always believed that Faith and Hope are mirror images, because when you believe and trust, you make way for Hope. When you believe in better, there is greater potential for overcoming, repairing, renewing and healing. You ignite the ripple effect for peace and when we let peace into our hearts, miracles can happen in our lives.

Stepping into Peace

Finding Peace surely starts from within. When we step over our personal hurdles of disharmony, anxiety and resistance we empower ourselves to say: “I choose peace instead of… “ This is real empowerment that generates a good feeling.

Bring in the Light

Faith represents the ‘twin flame’ to the mighty Archangel Michael (‘He Who is Like God’): Michael helps us clear our fear and demolish personal roadblocks to success, to feel safe and protected. Fear is the absence of Love, and Archangel Michael helps us step out of fear and into Love.

Hope is the Angel of Love and Acceptance. Her counterpart is Archangel Gabriel (ʻStrength of Godʼ). As we steadily move out of judgement into love and compassion ‒ for ourselves and others ‒ we grow and become increasingly strengthened by these engaging qualities ‒ we find that divides dissolve as Love unites.

“The smallest steps will bring results. Simply say hello and our conversation can begin. Whisper my name and I will respond. Listen for me and you will hear the still small voice. Let us start.”

– Julia Cameron’s Life Lessons no. 23

Success is an Inside Job

This brings us full circle to Charity, the Angel of prayer and contemplation and perhaps our first stepping stones to accessing inner tranquility. The more we take time to pause, breathe, reflect and commune with ‘Grace’ the sooner success will

“When I focus on my inner light I see the world through the lens of Love.”

– Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back deck

Charity’s counterpart is Archangel Chamuel (‘He Who Sees God’). Chamuel is the Angel of Love and Purpose. He helps us raise our vibration through changing perceptions. Ask yourself: When you look through the lens of love is it the things you look at that change or the way you look at them that’s changed?

Cherish the Peace

“The lamps are different but the light is the same.”

– Rumi

When you find peace, you find contentment. When you find contentment, you find gratitude. When you find gratitude, you step into trust and abundance and so it grows. As this occurs you realize that you are part of the wonderful global oneness of all things and become an ambassador for peace.

“What I give to you, I give to me.”

– Unknown

Faith is the Angel of Humanity and Benevolence. She comes together with Hope and Charity – they ask us to shine the light of peace in our hearts and in the world. This is the gift they bring.

Louise Exeter

Copyright December 2019

Image: Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray (Hay House, RRP £14.99)

Are You Following Your Star?


We are part of the stars and they are part of us.  Stars are in our DNA. It’s a scientific fact. How beautiful is that!  To me, there is something magical, wonderful and inspiring about this cosmic connection!


Let Love reach you!  Stars and Angels are both cosmic messengers from the heart of the Universe. Travelling on wavelengths of brilliance, the Angels come with gifts of love from Source, to high vibe the sacred space of our hearts.


Light up the dark: “Since the dawn of civilization we’ve peered at the stars in the night sky and tracked the movements of the planets[2] and many of us enthusiastically follow our personal ‘Zodiac Signs’ for guidance.  “We are surrounded by stars but some are more special to us than others”! [4]  How well this links with the Christmas story of the 3 Kings following the shining comet all the way to the stable at Bethlehem to honour the ‘Infant King.


Star of Wonder, Star of Night, Star of Royal Beauty Bright,
Westward Leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy Perfect Light”

Let Love lead you. You too can follow your own star of higher purpose; Angels know that when you follow your star, you find your joy.  Ultimately, we all need to find our own way but – like the Magi – we too can be guided by the Light.


The esteemed Professor Brian Cox tells us that “There’s an orchestra of stars out there that resonate with music and light. What a lovely combination. Angels love music! The Christmas story goes that Archangel Gabriel and a multitude of Angels filled the night sky with music, light and song; astonishing the shepherds in the fields below.  Angels still send signs and messages through this medium as a way of communicating with us.


“Their great glad tidings tell” If you accept the premise of Angels, you’ll know of their love of joy and happiness. It seems there was a lot of Heavenly partying going on to announce and celebrate the unconventional birth of ‘Unconditional Love’ in human form over 2000 years ago!


Like the Magi, for each one of us there is a desert to travel, a personal star to follow and hopefully joy to be discovered.  Be inspired!  If 3 wise men could take risks to reach this small child of Hope in Bethlehem by putting their trust in a guiding light and listening to their own star song for a higher good – so can we!


Light up your heart Brian Cox tells us that “Each star has its unique own song vibration” – you also have this. When you reach for the stars you are reaching out to the Universe (of which we are all part). When you follow your heart, you follow your Star’s Purpose and by doing so, you connect to the inner glow of your own song.  Your Angels will help you shine for this!



Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I wonder What you are.

When we star gaze, mysterious beauty twinkles back at us from a great distance, stirring our immaginings –  who can resist wishing upon a star at some point? It’s certainly not too late to do so now!  As Jimminy Cricket says: “it makes no difference who you are …if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme…when you wish upon a star”.  Angels understand this! So, with peace and love in your heart, go find your star – take a few moments, listen to some beautiful music, stand with your Guardian Angel and make a Christmas wish.


 “What the world needs now is Love sweet Love”.

Whatever your beliefs. Angels are for everyone and so are the blessings of the Christmas message, for all time.

“Oh Little Town of Bethlehem how still we see thee lie.
Above they deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by.
Yet in the dark street shineth the everlasting light,
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in the tonight.
Oh morning stars together proclaim the holy birth and
praises sing to God the King and peace to men on Earth.”


Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas
Louise Exeter

Copyright December 2019



Quotations: (1), (2), (3) Professor Brian Cox:
Quotation (4)  EarthSky.org

Music Inspirations:

We are star dust we are golden: ‘Woodstock’ Matthews Southern Comfort Band.
Carols: We 3 Kings of Orient Are & O Little Town of Bethlehem.
Wish upon a Star: Jimminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) Disney Studios.
Nativity image copyright 123RF
Shine: Emile Sande

Sometimes it’s hard to let go, to say goodbye. It’s a fact. We seem to find it easier to cling onto past memories and possessions rather than releasing them with a level of thankfulness for whatever we have learnt, lost, or loved from them?

For example, It’s taken me two years to get to the point where I was able to release with gratitude two large boxes of pretty vintage china that – due to a house move – no longer had a place of their own.

Why did I find it so difficult? Because I loved their designs, so reflective of bygone eras; they reminded me too of ‘the fun of the chase’ – when and where I originally acquired them. So, in a way, I was still in love with them. Eek!

Arriving at the local auctioneers, however, the release process became easier – except for one teacup, saucer and side plate – part of a charming 1950’s children’s tea set. These endearing items tugged at my heart strings!

I took them out of the display box, put them back in, walked away, walked back! I had to steel myself to surrender this particular trio which also reminded me of an endearing cartoon character I loved when I was little. This was the lynch pin! I’m proud to say I eventually walked away empty handed – my homage to them is this blog! I write about this personal mini drama because the episode reminded me of Archangel Michael in the broader sense.

“Spiritual progress is like a detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released”

There is no harm in delving into the past and adding the best rather than the worst from it to your present – but definitely not the other way round!  If you’ve been struggling with release issues, Archangel Michael is the one to work with – to release what is no longer beautiful or useful in your life and live with more joy.

Joy re-sets our heart’s vibration and opens doors to abundance.

Working with the Angelic Realm brings a refreshing energy, a higher frequency of understanding and compassion into our lives. By engaging with their guidance we can chose to alter our personal perspectives, heal the past, renew the present and make room to live each day more abundantly.

Try to perceive challenges and obstacles as a hidden blessing because when you look back you will find they have made you stronger, more creative.  Rather than undermine you they will define you.  Are you willing and ready to let go?                                               

Your Power Potential within is to Spark Joy. Louise Exeter Copyright Heaven’s Way 2019
Quotation: Marianne Williamson.  ‘Spark Joy’: inspired by Marie Kondo. Angel of Joy: Guardian Angel Oracle Cards Chrissie Astell, Watkins Publishing.