‘I believe in Angels, something good in everything I see’.

‘I am your guardian angel for sharing the life of love with minds and hearts of all’ (GA) In this blog I’d like to share what I’ve personally discovered about Guardian Angels:-

‘When you’re standing at the cross-roads, don’t know which path to choose, let me come along; even if you’re wrong, I’ll stand by you . . . ‘I’ll never desert you, I’ll stand by you’

Wherever I am Love is!  Like all angels, Guardian Angels bring gifts of limitless love and light.  As steadfast minders of our heart centre, their love doesn’t judge but gently guides for positive empowerment – they’re not into ‘shoulds’ or ‘woulds’!

From love: Heaven sent, Guardian Angels are messengers from Divine Source – our Creator, God, Universal, Unconditional Love.

‘Lines of light are all through the world (GA)  Everyone and everything is special to God/the Creator – know you are worth loving! Our Guardian Angels are an invisible but palpable part of Universal Love – a network of light reaching out to every single person, creature and place in the world-planet.

Friends for life: Guardian Angels are a constant, dependable, presence; our soul’s life-long companions.

With love: When we see the world in black and white or numerous shades of grey, our Guardian Angels offer us their light of support – hoping we’ll see their signs and hear their gentle whispers for better wellbeing choices.  When we see the world in glorious colour they share our joy too.

For love: Always beside us through thick and thin, Guardian Angels prefer us to be in emotional places of comfort and joy rather than anger, resentment, misunderstanding.

The lighter side of life: Our Guardian Angels know that if we move into a ‘state of ‘allowing’ for compassion, forgiveness, peace, we’ll more quickly relate to healing, happiness and contentment.

Make space for miracles: love the home of your heart!

‘Love helps to heal fragile hearts and mend relationships; love disengages from judgment and nurtures forgiveness’ Love lifts us up where we belong! Guardian Angels represent a Divine love-life line for the home of your heart so you can make it an amazing place to be. http://www.heavensway.co.uk/making-the-home-of-your-heart-an-amazing-place-to-live/

Getting to know your Guardian Angel

Praying is talking to God, meditation is listening to God.

To consciously connect to Guardian Angels, we need to make time and space in our hearts and minds, to focus, be still, breathe, meditate and invite their energy in. ‘Your intuition will be heightened. You will find a wisdom not your own.  You will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle you’

Call to action!

Starting the conversation  Take a moment to close your eyes, gently breathe and bring your awareness to the sounds in the background of your silence – a bird singing, a dog barking, a passing car, the hum of a plane.  Eventually as you focus more on your breath, these life affirming noises will melt into the quiet space of your meditation where , with practice, you’ll hear a ‘still small voice of calm’ within.   This could be your higher self, your intuition or your Guardian Angel whispering Divine Wisdom into the thoughts of your heart.

A personal message from a Guardian Angel

The following is a beautiful extract from Kyle Grey’s book ‘Wings of Forgiveness’.

“You may not recognize me and you may not know who I am.  Let me help you remember.  I’ve been with you since the beginning.  Before you entered time and space, I knew who you were . . . I was there at your birth.  I have travelled with you since your first steps and I will be with you when you take your last breath . . . When I look at you, I see a being bursting with light.  I see you filled with unlimited potential.  I look at you and wonder why you get so upset, stressed, frustrated and mad.  I look at you and hope that one day you will see I am here to serve you gladly and I wait for you to call.  I have seen you through your challenges, I have seen you rise and fall.  I have never forgotten you and I hope you will remember me, because I’m standing right here with you now.  We were together once and we danced among the stars.  I am here now to tell you something that I really want you to know . . . I am telling you the truth and I am your Guardian Angel.  You are forgiven     . . . You are love.  Love holds no boundaries.  You are unbound, whole, complete and healed.  Love is who you are.  I love you”.

Louise Exeter December 2017

© Spiritual Mindfulness Heaven’s Way.

Musical quotes : Abba, ‘I Had a Dream’. The Pretenders, ‘I’ll stand by you’. Meditation quote: From Julia Cameron’s Life Lessons No. 22

Guardian Angel quotes: From my own Guardian Angel meditations

Guardian Angel Book extract: Kyle Grey Wings of Forgiveness

Licence Free Music provided by Epidemic Sound.

A prompt from Archangel Raphael leads to fresh abundance!
I was feeling a little tired and tense so, for distraction, turned to Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards.  Comfortingly, I drew Archangel Raphael: his name means “God Heals”.Breathe out stress.  Breathe in abundance!  The guidance was to Breathe” Slow, regulated, deep breathing is good energy body-work brilliant for reducing stress, releasing tension, inducing inner calm.  I, therefore, decided to put his recommendation into practice immediately plus, at the same time, watch an’ Attracting Abundance’ video by the lovely Robert Reeves! This provided a great start to the day, though, due to time pressures, my viewing was brief.  I stopped where Robert ceremoniously and with intention significantly lit a green candle – the mindset was to clear away and dissolve any blockages to receiving abundance.

No Limits I enjoyed Robert’s purposeful and gentle prayer in which he acknowledged the limitlessness of God’s love; he asked that we respect the candle’s flame as a symbol to help us focus our attention on all forms of abundance.

Go green! Coincidentally, green is the colour associated with Arch Angel Raphael e.g. for meditative healing.  It is, of course, the colour for the ‘heart chakra’ too (the emotional centre for love and compassion).  Colour therapy references green with the qualities of detoxification, cleansing and balance; also for inviting calm and restoring stability. I know green is good for the planet and good for the diet but now I discover green is the colour for attracting ‘abundance’!

Norwegian Wool: Following my meditation I rushed out to an appointment, what joy! On the way I discovered a beautiful Norwegian jumper in a charity shop window It looked good as new and was at an irresistible price.  Synchronicity in action! Curiously, just two days before, I had returned from a holiday in Norway.  There, at the airport, I’d hankered after one of their, traditional style jumpers, similar to this beauty; regrettably the cost was prohibitively outrageous!  Double Joy:  later that evening when I arrived home, there was a voice-mail from a long-lost client wanting to book reflexology with me.

Heaven Sent: Now, I know that abundance is not purely financial or material, nor restricted to one beautiful helpful colour. Abundance, for sure relates relates to other precious holistic aspects of being. However,  I was thrilled with these ‘gifts’, they brought me joy.  It was indeed as Robert had advised: “allow abundance to come to us in unexpected ways” 

PS  I can recommend ‘New Colour Healing:  A practical guide to understanding the healing power of Colour by Lilian Verner-Bonds.
Robert Reeves an Australian Naturpath and spiritual teacher.

Copyright Louise Exeter Heaven’s Way©  26.05.16

Japanese Connections: As I woke on Sunday morning with the sun shining through the bedroom window the words of the 1967 hit “Kites” by Simon Dupree and the Big Band repeatedly ran through my mind.

I had heard this on the radio a few days back and was immediately captivated by the tender lyrics and musical cadences which transported me, somewhat poignantly, to Japan – I say poignantly because my Mother had a strong affinity with Japan and loved its genteel traditions and beautiful aesthetics.

If you go Down into the woods today

After breakfast we went for a walk through the local woods, carpeted with beautiful bluebells and white ground-hugging forest flowers.  It was therapeutic.  It was stunning.  We emerged at the edge of a field to be met, surprisingly, by a rambling house – the type one admires in country-home-style magazines.  The footpath led us past the well manicured garden belonging to this rustic home; compelling us to stop and admire its idiosyncratic creativity.

As our gaze followed the twists and turns of the planting we were greeted by a splendid life-size statue of a girl animatingly holding a string, flying a kite – this unexpected encounter immediately connecting me to the words of the song that had filled my head earlier.

“In letters of gold on a snow white kite I will write I love you and send it soaring high above you” 

Smiles from Heaven: When I got home I realized that today was my Mother’s birthday. (She died when I was 17). This synchronicity reminded me that love lives on.

Copyright Louise Exeter Heaven’s Way© 17.04.16

For Therese.

It looks as if the sun is going to shine and break through the clouds.  I am so pleased because today is special – it’s the day family and friends gather to formally honour a life and say farewell to a dear friend, teacher and Mother.

On 29th February 2016 Therese Moody rose above her fight against cancer and passed away.  She’d put up an exemplary fight against the illness with sheer guts, determination and a positive attitude which I think of as ‘fierce grace’.   I often referred to her, when we were together, as a ‘steel magnolia’ – we’d laugh!

Therese was a person who gave abundantly and lived abundantly.

She has left a legacy of fitter people through her pilates teaching skills and touched so many hearts and minds with her sweet, kind and generous nature.  Many of us are better people because we knew her and will cherish her memory with great fondness.

I am sad that she is not around on the physical plane any more but we shared a belief in the limitlessness of God’s love and living energy for all time.  I like to think of her now as another star in Heaven, sparkling and shining down on earth with love.

Words from a song by the Kinks say it all for me.  I hope they will bring comfort to Therese’s children whom she adored.

Thank you for the days,
Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me.
I’m thinking of the days,
I won’t forget a single day, believe me!
I bless the light,
I bless the light that lights on you believe me.
And though you’re gone,
You’re with me every single day, believe me.

R.I.P Therese.  Thank you for what you gave to me.

With love and sympathy to the Moody family.



High Vibes!

“As you speak positive words and shine your light brightly . . . God’s angels are working with you”

Share the Love!  The ingredients: universal energy and good vibes blended with a little Heavenly wisdom and Earthly practicality defined this ‘Get to know your Angels’ Hay House training weekend, hosted by Doreen Virtue and her team of colleagues.  Attended by people from all over the globe and from all walks of life – a dynamic melting pot of experience awaited us.

More than lucky! Unbeknown to me when I booked, Doreen had decided to hang up her long-distance travelling hat; this was her last teaching visit to England.  I was fortunate, therefore, to capture this occasion and be on the receiving end of her renowned experience.

Love lift us up where we belong:  I love the unconventionality of Doreen Virtue: Inspired by Heaven and her own remarkable metaphysical experience with the Angelic realm, she has become a mentor-motivator, albeit in somewhat non-conformist ways.

Learning with wings on!:  Doreen’s masterful teaching moved us through multiple layers of opinions and beliefs as we explored a plethora of life stories.  A tangible current of caring emerged as participants generously shared accounts of their personal experiences: these were a mix of poignant, painful or joyful circumstances.  They brought tears of release, sympathy, humour and laughter and became insightful examples for the rest of us to actively work with.

We all have different gifts: As messengers from God, Angels represent Divine Thought in action.  Doreen’s work does not shun the public gaze but assuredly publicises the benefits of personal healing via these channels of wisdom and Divine Love – thereby encouraging us to step out of the box and take a safe risk with Heaven.

* * *

A Bouquet of Wellbeing

Robert Reeves is an accredited naturopath with special interest in mental and emotional health. To me, his presentation reflected the synergistic properties of Heaven and Earth: the importance of balancing the spiritual with the physical and environmental for greater wellbeing.

Flower Power! Robert brought our attention to the splendour of plants and in particular the effortless beauty of flowers whose colour and diversity enrich our environment:  echoing this, he’d brought along his delightful ‘Flower Therapy*’ cards to demonstrate with.

Floral Wisdom:

The Daisy:

This was the message on the card I drew from Robert’s pack:

Simplify Your Life! 

You’ve had so much going on that you’re spread too thin.  This has to change now so your vitality can recharge.

Yes. Absolutely!

This advice must ring true for most of us, most of the time!  There’s a saying that ‘if the cap fits, wear it’.  Well, in this case, a daisy chain fits!

Roses and Tulips :

Other flower cards in the deck that reinforce this advice are:   

The Tulip:  Take Time for Yourself plus the Yellow Rose: Balance Work Rest and Play.

A good idea: Aside from the luxury of having time to sit on the grass with a glass of something nice making daisy chains, buying a beautiful bouquet of

yellow roses, or a vibrant bunch of tulips, offers  a visual treat but also active floral encouragement to relax, rebalance and restore!

It’s that butterfly feeling! Thinking of yellow roses … yellow is the colour associated with the ‘Solar Plexus’ a sensitive energy centre in the diaphragm.  It’s a responsive location where we can easily experience excited and nervous ‘flutterings’ –  that ‘I’ve got butterflies in my stomach’ type of feeling!  This is, of course, the body’s way of communicating with us; linking our thoughts and feelings together, guiding us to remedial action.

Some of the stories Robert recounted positively demonstrated holistic benefits for mind, body, soul – achievable through making time to connect with both God and the natural world – to find that still small voice of inner calm that resides within us.  Like the flowers he works with, Robert’s energy was beautiful.

* * *

Daring to be different!

Laughter – the best medicine:  I once met a woman who ran ‘Laughter Workshops’ in Greece.  What an amazing way to earn a living!  Meeting Radleigh Valentine, whose entertaining presentation was pervasive with laughter, reminded me of this previous encounter.  His nurturing humour activated audience connection; gradually drawing us to examine examples from the more serious sides of life.

Laughter is infectious uplifting, healing – a great antidote to the energy sappers of stress, worry, grief.  My own experience has taught me that kind humour and a laugh together offers an alternative way out of a potential argument, a feisty toddler tantrum or teenager confrontation!

Dare to be different! There’s no getting away from it, Radleigh Valentine is flamboyant and fun. His silky waistcoats and rhinestone trainers paid homage to his sparkly personality and presentation.

As an introduction, Radleigh told us how, after months of personal debate, he eventually tuned-in to his more feminine side.  He swapped what he felt to be the aggressive corporate and business-driven world of politics and accountancy for the softer, facilitating, role of Angel-inspired counselling work.  Impressively, Radleigh had the courage to let go and receive; to turn his leap of faith into a reality by daring to be different.  As one of Radleigh’s and Doreen’s Archangel cards states:

There’s a better way!  Pause for reflection and insight.  Dare to be different!

This is what I feel I have to do now:  pluck up courage, ‘Come Out’ of my ‘Spiritual Closet’ – move in to ‘Light Work’ with Angels – after all they have been around doing God’s work for a very long time!

With a surname like ‘Valentine’ it is no surprise that Radleigh finds himself counselling a lot of people concerning relationship blocks.

To quote Marianne Williamson, from her book ‘A Return to Love’

“Part of working on ourselves, in order to be ready for a profound relationship, is learning how to support another person in being the best they can be”.

* * *

Where do we go from here? … Why, to

Jo Cocker’s Lyrics of course!

“Who knows what tomorrow brings…

The road is long, there are mountains in our way but we climb a step every day.  Some hang on to ‘used to be’, live their lives, looking behind. All we have is here and now. All our life, out there to find”

Copyright Louise Exeter 2015


Doreen Virtue’s Face Book March 2015 Receive Good Graciously
Event: Hay House Angel Intuitive Training September 2014
Flower Empathy:  Robert Reeves  & Doreen Virtue Flower Therapy Cards
That Butterfly Feeling: Adaptation Butterflies in your stomach?©
Dare to be Different:  Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue Archangel Power Cards.
Quote on Relationships:  Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love.
Song: Jo Cocker. Lyrics from website: www.azlyrics.com
Some thoughts inspired by Louise L Hay.

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! My annual escape to the country includes a few days’ stay at the atmospheric ‘Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham’ in  Norfolk. This is a place of tangible spirituality and credible folk lore. Read more